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I eat babies by bob hope Poem:
I love the taste of children
the are so yummy!!
When their head enters my tummy!
Not a day goes by that i don't eat a babie.
Hey. you might like to try a baby.. Maybe
-Bob Hope 

Rant of the Month - written by KaZuZic - "Spelling Errors and All"
Current Rant: The Movie - The Core!
"Lets see, where to start? Lets start out with a big fat 'NO'. Sure I did not see this movie but based on the information I have been given I really lucked out. Lets start off by stating some of the scientific inconsistancies. First of all, you cannot stop the center of the Earth from spinning without stopping the rest of the planet. Secondly, stopping the center of the earth (again, not possible) would not have an effect on the planets weather. Seriously, in the commercial we observe a collusium in Rome being struck by lightning. Then we see the lightning travel throughout the collusium then make it explode. Now anyone who has seen lightning before would notice that something is not right here. Sure it is a slightly decent movie effect, but the whole idea of the film is flawed. Also, isn't there something about some mad scientist making a super weapon in the center of the earth? What the hell? How would you even start to construct something in the center of the Earth without the whole world realizing or liquidating because of the extreme heat? The fact that this movie reached box office is an insult to the American people and Hollywood as we know it. Even though America has done enough to insult itself already (but thats a different rant...). My point is, NO! NO! NO! NO! Why do you dim my knowledge with your stupid, stupid, stupid ideas?! Do you find pleasure in decreasing my intelligence? I have lost complete respect with anyone that came in contact with this movie while having full knowledge of it's storyline or ideals. Truly, you should be ashamed of yourselves. Thank you."
- KaZuZic
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