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Reasons Our Site Beats Out Tony's
Yea, we make music too. We are gonna get a buncha songs up here, like.. I Know of a Squirrel, Kissing Again, Dan Man, and Nerd Paradise.

The Story Behind the Names:
I Know of a Squirrel: This song sports a bit of a "nasty" theme. Written in a classic rapper format, it is a song illustrating an old friend of ours who recently moved to Texas. We decided he looked a bit like a squirrel so we wrote a song about him and of course it had to be dirty, hell we are in high school!

I Eat Babies:Shaq: This is a song of shaq fav thing baby munchin!

Dan Man: Dan is this kid at school. He is kinda wimpy and funny lookin, and he doesn't seem to try anything to stop us from making fun of him. Anyone could have told him carrying baby powder around in his backpack was a bad idea. Well, he started like stalking this girl named Liz. So we made this song to illustrate the life of Dan.

Nerd Paradise: Basically a song in which we talk about our favorite things to do and describe, well, our paradise.
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