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VETTANARIANS:  Please send me your .syx  files of created patches and I will include them here.

         To download new patches, simply click on each banner below.

           (PC users may need to right click and choose "Save Link As" to download file)




General design notes: Here are 50 Vetta patches (and 1 bulk sysex file) created by Line 6 Product Specialist Ron Huisen. Ron made these patches to use during the Variax demo tour, so Variax owners should be more interested in these patches, but they can be used even if you don't own a Variax, so check 'em out. Please view the READ ME file included with the download.






General design notes: Here are the newest and most up to date Vetta Patches created by Ron Huisen. Some of these patches you will already find in his first Patch Collection (below), but there are many new ones which are well worth having.





General design notes: Here are 31 Vetta patches created by Ron Huisen, with more to come in the near future. Ron does product demonsrations for Line 6 in Europe. He uses strats and teles mostly. 




General design notes: These are the factory patches for the Vetta saved as individual sysex files.






General design notes: Other than the ones described as "lead" patches, these are all designed to used along with the guitar's volume control. Turn the guitar down for rhythm, up for the solos.





General design notes: These were merely experimental patches to help me hear the differences between the different cabinets. There is absolutely nothing special about any of these patches I created. But, you may still find them useful.








General design notes: Here are six useful patches for your Vetta that will cover your fundamental tone needs. Included are: Marshall Lead, Blues Lead, Bluesy Clean, Brown, Chemo, and Mesa.





General design notes: I plan on this to become a series of Satch Patches that I will create and add to over time. For now, here are six Satch Patches based upon the overall tones of Cryin, Always With Me Always With You, Love Thing, Summer Song, and Clouds Race Across The Sky. They work especially great for Direct Recording and also for Live Playing.




General design notes: Most, if not all, of these sounds take great advantage of the two amps at once feature, with both on at the same time. Some of these are totally original, some are modifications of Line 6 presets, some are modifications of presets I've downloaded from other people. I've made some changes to all of these. Play around, see what you find. - Chris


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