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Did You Know?
The Miniature Pinscher originated in Germany, but it has been bred in Scandinavian countries. The Miniature Pinscher is noted for its lively temperament and intelligence.

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Dog Stories

Unethical Breeders
I don't remember much from the place I was born. It was cramped and dark, and we were never played with by the humans. I remember Mom and her soft fur, but she was often sick, and very thin. She had hardly any milk for me and my brothers and sisters. I remember many of them dying, and I missed them so. I do remember the day I was taken from Mom. I was so sad and scared, my milk teeth had only just come in, and I really should have been with Mom still, but she was so sick, and the Humans kept saying that they wanted money and were sick of the "mess" that me and my sister made. So we were crated up and taken to strange place.

Just the two of us. We huddled together and were scared, still no human hands came to pet or love us. So many sights and sounds, and smells! We are in a store where there are many different animals! Some that squawk! Some that meow! Some that peep! My sister and I are jammed into a small cage. I hear other puppies here. I see humans look at me. I like the 'little humans', the kids. They look so sweet, and fun, like they would play with me! All day we stay in the small cage, sometimes mean people will hit the glass and frighten us, every once in a while we are taken out to be held or shown to humans. Some are gentle, some hurt us. We always hear "Aw, they are so cute! I want one!" but we never get to go with any. My sister died last night, when the store was dark. I lay my head on her soft fur and felt the life leave her small thin body. I had heard them say she was sick, and that I should be sold as a "discount price" so that I would quickly leave the store. I think my soft whine was the only one that mourned for her as her body was taken out of the cage in the morning and dumped.

Today, a family came and bought me! Oh happy day! They are a nice family, they really, really wanted me! They had brought a dish and food and the little girl held me so tenderly in her arms. I love her so much! The mom and dad say what a sweet and good puppy I am! I am named Angel. I love to lick my new humans! The family takes such good care of me, they are loving and tender and sweet. They gentle teach me right and wrong, give me good food, and lots of love! I want only to please these wonderful people! I love the little girl and I enjoy running and playing with her.

Today I went to the veterinarian. it was a strange place and I was frightened. I got some shots, but my best friend the little girl held me softly and said it would be OK. So I relaxed. The Vet must have said sad words to my beloved family, because they looked awfully sad. I heard "Severe hip dysplasia," and something about my heart... I heard the vet say something about backyard breeders and my parents not being tested. I know not what any of that means, just that it hurts me to see my family so sad. But they still love me, and I still love them very much!

I am six months old now. Where most other puppies are robust and rowdy, it hurts me terribly just to move. The pain never lets up. It hurts to run and play with my beloved little girl, and I find it hard to breathe. I keep trying my best to be the strong pup I know I am supposed to be, but it is so hard. it breaks my heart to see the little girl so sad, and to hear the Mom and Dad talk about, "Now might be the time."

Several times I have gone to that veterinarian¹s place, and the news is never good. Always talk about Congenital Problems. I just want to feel the warm sunshine and run and play, and nuzzle with my family. Last night was the worst. Pain has been constant now, it hurts even to get up and get a drink. I try to get up but can only whine in pain.

I am taken in the car one last time. Everyone is so sad, and I don't know why. Have I been bad? I try to be good and loving - what have I done wrong? Oh if only this pain would be gone! If only I could soothe the tears of the little girl. I reach out my muzzle to lick her hand, but can only whine in pain. The veterinarian¹s table is so cold. I am so frightened. The humans all hug and love me, they cry into my soft fur. I can feel their love and sadness. I manage to lick softly their hands. Even the vet doesn't seem so scary today. He is gentle and I sense some kind of relief for my pain. The little girl hold me softly and I thank her, for giving me all her love. I feel a soft pinch in my foreleg. The pain is beginning to lift, I am beginning to feel a peace descend upon me. I can now softly lick her hand.

My vision is becoming dreamlike now, and I see my Mother and my brothers and sisters, in a far off green place. They tell me there is no pain there, only peace and happiness. I tell the family goodbye in the only way I know how - a soft wag of my tail and a nuzzle of my nose. I had hoped to spend many, many moons with them, but it was not meant to be. "You see," said the veterinarian,"pet shop puppies do not come from ethical breeders." The pain ends now, and I know it will be many years until I see my beloved family again. If only things could have been different.

This story may be published or reprinted in the hopes that it will stop unethical breeders and those who breed only for money and not for the betterment of the breed. Copyright 1999 J. Ellis

I Am Famous Now
I was born today. One of 10. My daddy was very famous. I have lots of half brothers and sisters. My mother is very famous. Since she got famous, she has only had puppies. No more loving hands, no more fun trips...just puppies. She is always sad when they leave her.

I left home today. I didn't want to go, so I hid behind my mama and my three littermates that were left. I didn't like you. But one day they said I would be famous. I wonder; is famous the same as fun and good times? So you picked me up and carried me away, even though you were concerned about me hiding from you. I don't think you liked me.

My new home is far away. I am scared and afraid. My heart says BE BRAVE. My ancestors were. Did they go to good homes like mind? I'm hungry because I can't eat too much because it will be bad for my bones. I can't bite or snap when the children are mean to me. I just run and play and pretend I am in a big green field with butterflies and robins and frogs. I can't understand why they kick me. I am quiet, but the man hits and says loud things. The lady doesn't feed me good things like I had with my mother. She just throws dry food on the ground, then goes away before I can get too close for touching and petting.

Sometimes my food smells bad, but I eat it anyways. Today I had 10 puppies. They are so wonderful and warm. Am I famous now? I wish I could play with them, but they are so tiny. I am so young and playful that it is hard to lay here in this hole under the house nursing my puppies. They are crying now. I am so hungry. I scratch and worry my fur. I wish someone would throw me some food. I am also very thirsty. I now have eight. Two got cold during the night and I couldn't make them warm again. They are gone. We are all very weak. Maybe if I take them out on the porch, we can get some food. Today they took us away. It was too much trouble to feed us and someone came to take us away. Someone grabbed my puppies, they were crying and whimpering. We were put in a truck with boxes in it. Are my babies famous now? I hope so, because I miss them. They are gone.

The place smelled of urine, fear and sickness. Why was I here? I was beautiful, like my ancestors. Now I am hungry, dirty, in pain and unwanted. Maybe the worst is unwanted. No one came though I tried to be good.

Today someone came. They put a rope on my neck and led me to a room that was very clean and had a shiny table. They put me on the table. Someone held me and hugged me. It felt so good!!! Then I felt tired and laid over the last one who cared. I AM FAMOUS NOW. Today someone cared. Author Unknown

His Name Would Have Been "Pike"
by Lori Reidler
Town and Country Humane Society
Papillion, NE 68046
[email protected]

He was a handsome fellow, found running loose in town. A noble yellow Labrador Retriever, although a little bit thin, showed promise of being a devoted companion. His owners never called and after one week he was available for adoption. We had guessed him at 5-6 years of age. Not a good age to be looking for a new home, but such a sweet obedient guy he was. As I walked through, making the dreaded 'picks' for the day, I lingered at his kennel. "One more day", I would think, "maybe tomorrow". Three weeks this went on. Then, miracle of miracles, a gentleman wanted him. The man passed the screening with flying colors and the Lab was introduced to the gentleman's Golden Retriever. There was a little friction, but the new owner was confident and experienced with dogs. He was going to name the Lab "Pike".

"Pike" had been mildly lame on the left rear leg ever since he had been admitted to our kennel. The new owner was advised of this and intended to have the leg checked when the dog was transported to the vet for his neuter (mandatory on all adoptions). Last night I bathed "Pike" for his trip to the vet this morning. What an angel! I couldn't even convince him to shake while he was in the tub. Blow dryer, nail grinder, nothing phased him. Just stood like a gentleman the whole time.

This morning I took him out for a potty break before we drove to the vet. The scoundrel slipped his leash and proceeded to play tag with me. He finally came back and jumped in the truck and we headed to the vet. I prayed in the vet's office while they ran his heartworm test. As a 5+-year- old stray, I knew there would be a strong possibility of a positive result. NEGATIVE! Thank doG! I left the clinic feeling happy and satisfied that "Pike" was on his way to a happier life.

This afternoon the vet called. They had x-rayed the bum leg and the other leg as well. The picture showed three pins in the bum leg, but the healing had not gone well. In addition, both hips showed advanced hip dysplasia. The vet estimated that he would be crippled within the year. A full hip replacement was his only hope. The gentleman that was going to adopt him was in no position to take on a cost like that.

It was a long drive back to the vet's this afternoon. She let me see the radiographs and pointed out all the problems with "Pike's" hips. The whole time, "Pike" sat as close to me as a dog can possibly get. He danced at the door of the truck, impatient for me to open it. For once in my life, I drove less than the speed limit for the 20 miles back to the shelter. "Pike" spent the entire drive doing full body rubs in the back seat. I thought about what could be done to save this dog. Could I beg for donations to fix his hips? Could I wait and see if some one else would be interested in adopting him? Could I just maintain him with pain control until I figured something out? But I am a logical person and I knew that I was already 8 kennels short from the dogs that had come in just today. Three yellow labs were already in the adoption program, all younger than "Pike".

This evening I let "Pike" run around the property doing the boy dog thing and sniffing all the trees. We played some fetch and I gave him a handful of peanut butter biscuits. Then I did my job and told him he was a great dog as I injected the sodium pentobarbital in his vein. He left this world wagging his tail.

To any one that breeds dogs, I request one thing. If you are going to create a beautiful soul (as most dogs have), please have the decency to put it in a sound body.

His name would have been "Pike".

Unwanted dog turns hero

One of our neighbors had many animals and neglected her dogs most. She told me that I could have one of her female Austrailian Sheperds, papers and all, for free. I decided to take her up on that offer. I took her home, nursed her back to health, and got her fixed. Around the same time that I took her home I bought a mustang horse from the BLM. He was not tamed at all and was skittish often. About two weeks after I got Puppy, the dog, something remarkable happened. I was scrubbing out the horse's water bucket when he suddenly charged at me for no reason. I always took Puppy with me to feed the horses, so luckly she was there that day. When she saw the mustang come after me she put herself in between me and the horse. She barked and bit at the horse. It aggravated him so he turned around and kicked at her. He ended up striking her in the mouth. Suprisingly she suffered no injuries. If it weren't for her, I am not sure what might have happened to me. For that I am very greatful, but sadly I had to find her another home. I regret letting her go because I feel that she saved my life. Hopefully her new owners are treating her with as much love and respect as possible. unknown


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O Lord don't let me once forget
How I love my trusty pet---
Help me learn to disregard
canine craters in my yard,
Show me how to be a buddy
even when my sofa's muddy,
Don't allow my pooch to munch
postal carriers for lunch,
Shield my neighbor's cat from view
guide my steps around the dew,
Train me not to curse and scowl
when it's puppy's night to howl.
Grant I shan't awake in fear
with a cold nose in my ear
Give me patience without end---
Help me be "A DOG'S BEST FRIEND!!!"



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