. . . I n t e r v i e w s . . .
09/17/03 ~ Joey interviews Terry Rice of DEAD PUPPY RECORDS
. . . F r i e n d s & C o l l a b o r a t o r s . . .

James playing guitar at his yearly
Peaceland Music Recital (April 2003)
James Musser has been my guitar/bass/etc. teacher for the past three years now and he's taught me absolutely everything I know about music and taught me to be an open-minded person and musician. He's a great musician (guitar, bass, drums, keyboards, singer... everything!), composer, recording producer/mixer/engineer, and a great friend! He also produced and mixed most of the tracks and performed a great guitar solo for "Delusion Solution (Nothing is Real)" from my sophomore release, TRAIN TO NOWHERE. Check out James' website and the UNDERWATER TRAFFIC website.

Description here
Terry Rice coming soon
Ian, Keith, Javier, and Joey posing after a
show at Veteran's Park (November 2002)
Skin 30 is a local death rock band that I play lead guitar for. I've known most of the members for a while now and they're all really kewl band members, and even better friends. IAN BOGGERO, KEITH BOGGERO and JAVIER PELAEZ also helped me out a lot by learning and performing some NATAS songs for two live shows (which were video taped and released on the TOXIC THEORY: NATAS LIVE VCD... see Store). Click here to check out the official SKIN 30 website.
. . . A c k n o w l e d g e m e n t s . . .
A special thank you goes out to the following people: my entire family; all of my friends; whoever is listening; inspirational bands and horror movies; IUMA.com; Mp3.com; all of the voices, beings, and characters that manipulate my thought process...
Musicians I've had the pleasure of working with: Ian Boggero, Keith Boggero, Steve Choe, Kyle Faucsette, David Pelaez, Javier Pelaez, Vince Petrulli, Terry Rice, Alex Rubio, Matt Sirko, Danny Skipper... Thanks for the great times and great music!!
Musicians I would like to work with in the future: "Alien", Ben Carter, Mike Daugherty, Ben Lopez, Ken "Docta DJ" Sturgis... someday, someday!
TO CHRISTY ~ MY ZOMBIE BRIDE: I need you like a corpse needs formaldehyde. Knowing you'll be mine forever satisfies my every need. I love you.
. . . F r e e D o w n l o a d a b l e s . . .