March 2003

Steadily updating and upgrading some truly awful coding done in the past few years, thank you whoever for Dreamweaver MX, no matter what the purist says Notepad just doesn't cut it anymore. The funny thing, I didn't realise just how steady the number of people coming in to this site actually is. Back in the very beginning I'll be luck if I get more than 6 visits a day.

Anywayz, wear your hard hat and anything else, some links are still missing and I am trying to upgrade them as soon as possible. Been experimenting with Graymatter and Movable Type a little, and if anyone know a decent place where I can scripts for a reliable guestbook, it will be much appreciated.

February 2003

Ta da, new hosting and new layout (of a sort) for the main page. I have scrapped the secondary introduction page, simply because it is just plain redundant. Other than that, everything will remain as is, with a few additional extra coming soon (fingers crossed).

Ta da, new hosting and new layout (of a sort) for the main page. I have scrapped the secondary introduction page, simply because it is just plain redundant. Other than that, everything will remain as is, with a few additional extras coming soon, my own misguided attempt at sketching being one of them.

As I will be moving from Yahoo to the new host, there may be some files that will go missing if you go click happy, if that is the case, just e mail me at [email protected].

Now for some nice, new updates that had been sitting on my hard disc for the past 6 months or so...



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