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Melbourne Shops

Singapore Shops

On-line Shops

Level 2
The Galeries Victoria
500 George St
T: 02 9262 7996
f:02 9283 1055

A few impressions about the new branch, in terms of layout it's very similar to the Singaporean branches. There is quite a large selection of Chinese comics as well as Chinese literature to one side. The art book and design book section is lovely like all Kinokuniya's and definitely worth spending money on. It's also nice to see that most of the staff is actually bilingual or trilingual, instead of just having a lot of Japanese native speakers and one who is definitely not. There's a searchable catalogue that people can browse through, though it tend to be down or downright slow to be of any use on the best of day.

As of this January, Kinokuniya have restocked their collection and made some vast improvement. They actually stocked smaller publishers, but the downside being they have cut down on the number of illustration books that they carry. One thing which is really interesting for those who likes Yaoi, they have expanded the category from non existant to Stocking BeBoy mags as well as other Yaoi friendly stuff on a pretty consistent basis.

One great thing about buying your books here is the fact that if you buy over $20 of books, you qualify for a 20% off membership card. The card gives 20% to all their stocks barring magazines. To those who already have their card, don't worry about the expiration date, they have decided to continue on with the program past January 2003 , so don't chuck your cards away!


All materials are written by S-cage Group (c) 1997-2003 02/03 [email protected]
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