Natalie Roles Online Version I

Detective Sergeant Debbie McAllister joined Sun Hill CID in November 2000. She moved from Barton Street station and she appeared to be the perfect detective; getting on with everyone, being on their side, clean record, decency and integrity. The rest of CID heard rumours detailing how she blew the whistle on some bent coppers at her previous station.

Debbie is very insecure and she does a very good job of manipulating people to do what she wants to avoid putting herself in the firing line. Her short-lived romance with Superintendant Chandler and the small subsequent problem of ending up pregnant backfired on her however when she was married, raped and widowed all in one day.

But she bounced back and is back to her scheming ways; relying on admirer DCI Jack Meadows to bail her out when the going gets tough, getting involved with anyone who looks at her regardless of gender and avoiding work wherever possible to get back to the top...

Taken from The Bill: Complete Lowdown on 20 Years at Sun Hill;

Scheming, manipulative but utterly irresistable, McAllister is prepared to do anything to further her career ot save her skin. Drafted in from Barton Street as a newly made-up sergeant, she hid the traits of Cruella DeVil behind the face of Cinderella. When she was not shafting her colleagues she was getting them to return the favour but her plans to sleep her way to the top with Tom Chandler backfired when she fell pregnant. Without a maternal bon ein her body, she wa sabout to have the baby adopted until Jack Meadows made her think again. For a moment she almost seemed human.

(Geoff Tibballs. 2003)


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