love <BGSOUND SRC="As_Long_As_You_Love_Me.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Hello Folks
About Myself
About Islam
About My Country
About Love
Some Poems
Some Joks
Afghani Music
Irani Music
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        A Few Lines About Myself
First of all I want 2 say HELLO to everyone ........ and, then I have 2 Introduce myself through my HOMEPAGE the important thing that i want to tell you is thanks for visiting my website.So.... my name is Abdul Nasir and my Last name is Kakar.I was born on March 14th, 1984  in Kabul the caputal of Afghanistan and my star is Pisces.
             Me and my family we all moved to Pakistan in 1995 we were in Pakistan till 2001and then we came to Canada.Now I am living in ( Vancouver) British Columbia Canada. I am studying in grade 12.
            For your more information, my interests are as follows I'm easy going and quit guy .Most of my hobbies are about sports (Volleyball) (football)and (tinnes)I have some experience in this major field.I like swimming but I cannot do as I wish to do, but other than sports I'm interested on reading, TV, movies and eating lots and lots of ice cream .I like reading poems ,jokes and Computer, chatting, making friends from all over the world. I like to havea lots of friends from all over the  world and that is why I started to establish this HOMEPAGE.

               My nickname is (Mr. blue) Mr. blue means sad, quite and calm and as u know I am a quite person .
I love this nickname because I love blue colour and that is why I chose this nickname.
My mail addresses are:
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Want to chat with me? Nick is Mr. blue and channels are Afghanonline MSN

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