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     I am wanting to let everyone know that Madchen AKA Sally Sue has adjusted to her new home and is very happy.  She follows me everywhere I go and has met lots of new friends.  She was exactly what I was looking for and has made my home complete.  I feel we were meant to be a family and anyone who passed her up lost out on a wonderful baby.  She was timid at first but soon realized she was the queen of the castle. She makes me laugh every day and knows how to keep a smile on my face.
     Thank you so much for giving me the chance to call her my own.  
     Shannon Rives
     P.S.  I'll be sending photos soon, she has put on a few pounds and looks great!!!!

   After church yesterday, we (the whole family, including Kaiser) went on a nature walk.  There's a trail that is paved and is very nice for bicycles and walkers and skate boarders and doggies.  We met lots of FRIENDLY people out there. We had a nice time. Kaiser was so
excited he shook all over.  But after he began to get tired, he settled down a little. There were water fountains there and I wish you could've seen Kaylie trying to give Kaiser a drink of water from her hands.......He splattered more on her arms than what went down his mouth.....ha, ha,   it was funny......
     After the walk, we went to the park and played some basketball. However, the dog wasn't
allowed in that portion of the park and I had to keep him laid down beside me and out of sight. We all took turns sitting with him and playing basketball.  He was so tired after the walk though, that he didn't care.
     Once we were home, he crashed.  I asked him if he was ready for a bath now.......and he answered with a bark as if to say "NO" and he shook his head!  ha, ha, ha this dog trips me out ! !
     All in all we had a very nice afternoon.  This is the first time we've taken him anywhere, except the vet and to drop the kids off at school.  So the little guy probably just didn't know where in the world we were taking him.  But I think he enjoyed the trip too. and we're going to do this again soon.
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