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The Violin
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The violin is the smallest string instrument in the conventional orchestra. It was used early in the 17th century as a solo instrument, evolving from the older  "viol" and from then, has been a popular instrument to demonstrate a musician's virtuosity.
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The violin has four strings (tuned to G below middle C, D, A, and E.)  It is played using either a bow which is drawn across the strings to produce sound, or pizzicato (literally "plucking" the strings). The violin has many different parts, including the pegs (at the top to tune the strings) the fingerboard, soundboard, the bridge and the scroll. It also has a chin-rest to support the violin while it is being played.

There are many compositions for the violin as it plays in orchestras, string ensembles, quartets and also takes the solo part for many famous concertos and sonatas. Composers who have written for violin include Bach, Handel, Mozart and Beethoven.
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