Treble clef!
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Most toilets flush in the key of E flat.
Musical jokes!
Some sources claim that cows give more milk when listening to music!
Exam bloopers and mistakes!
A duck's quack has no echo!
Instruments of the orchestra
The dial tone of a normal telephone is in the key of� F.
Two of the loudest instruments in the orchestra are the trombone and the piccolo.
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The average piano has 230 strings.
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Bach had twenty children!
The human ear can distinguish over 1500 tones. The smallest recognizable difference between two tones is a 1/9th of a whole tone, and is called a comma.
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Music Quotes...
"How wonderful opera would be if it had no singers!" - Rossini
"Wagner's music is better than it sounds." - Mark Twain
"He has Van Gogh's ear for music" - Orson Welles
"Since he was a little lazy, Mozart did not begin composing operas until he was twelve." - Victor Borge
"Too many pieces of music finish too long after the end!" - Stravinsky
"Your manuscript is both good and original - but the part that is good is not original, and the part that is original is not good!" -  Johnstone
"Play Mozart in memory of me..." - Chopin's last words.
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