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GeoCities will be closing, so this move is necessary and it's important to update your bookmark(s) and link(s). All the same content is on the new site.


From A to Z

  • Make a Mastectomy Bra

  • It's easier than you think, and it's extremely economical. Almost too good to be true . . . it's even comfortable.

    Looking for some fashion tips? Fashion depends a lot on whether or not you're wearing prostheses. Find the category that fits what you want to wear today, and you'll get some tips from others who are just like you.

  • I'm Not Wearing Prostheses

  • Discover ways of camouflaging flatness for days (or weeks, or years . . .) when you don't want to bother with prostheses.

  • I'm Wearing Prostheses

  • Tips and tricks for ladies who wear prostheses.

    "I always say, if you can't meet the fashion trends, start 'em! Retro is in right now. That means it's time to bring out the old clothing from the closet. So not only can I look stylish, but I save money too. I call that a bargain! (If only I actually fit in this old poodle skirt. And it didn't smell like moth balls.) Let's see what some other lovely ladies think . . ."

    The articles present the personal views of Flattops visitors. Your experience may vary. Brand names are based on members' experience, and do not indicate endorsement by any party.

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