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Ratings are out of 10, based solely upon my opinion of the game. At all times, a higher number means "better".

Gameplay - The game itself, what you do, what you cannot do, what you are supposed to do.

Difficulty - How hard is the game to learn? 1- You will never learn everything. 10- Anybody can master it, over time.

Multiplayer - How fun is multiplayer? How much of the game is not available in multiplayer?

Atmosphere - Do you feel like you're THERE?

Audio - The sounds of the game. Quality and originality.

Visuals - Is it pwettty to look at?

Big Plus - Game's best attribute.

Big Minus - Game's worst attribute.

Finished it? - This only counts for me, so if my brother finished it, it'll still be on No. Heh.


Games I currently play


The Sims 2 - Manage a family from early in the morning till they go to bed at night, for as long as they live! Get a job! Get fired! Get shagged! Get married! (Not necessarily in that order.) Lots of freedom in the game, has a couple of nice realism checks. You have to play this game 24/7 to get bored of it. I'm not bored .... yet ....

Gameplay Difficulty Multiplayer Atmosphere Audio Visuals Big Plus Big Minus Finished it?
8 10 - 9 9 9 Addictive gaming Lots of game bugs -


Command & Conquer Generals - Zero Hour - China has become seriously powerful. Their defence capabilities are still unmatched, and their new offensive units can clear any map with ease. GLA defence sucks donkey doughnuts. I have pretty much stopped playing GLA. USA is pretty cool though, new toys! :-)

Gameplay Difficulty Multiplayer Atmosphere Audio Visuals Big Plus Big Minus Finished it?
10 9 10 8 8 8 Not complex GLA weak now No


Need For Speed - Underground 2 - VROOOOOOOOM! (tss) VRROOOOOOOOOM (tss) (VROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! Damn I love this game .... They made the whole world roaming, so you can just take your car and drive around the city as long as you want. There are other racers driving around as well, and you can dice any of them by tailing them and hitting Enter, then the race is on. Still has the normal racing from NFSU1, but you have to drive to the shops to install parts. It has a nice GPS feature though, so it's not a major shlep to reach shops. Wicked cool game.

Gameplay Difficulty Multiplayer Atmosphere Audio Visuals Big Plus Big Minus Finished it?
10 9 10 9 10 10 Freedom Resource intensive game Yes


Painkiller - You died. You are stuck between Heaven and Hell, and have agreed to assassinate four of Lucifer's generals for admission into Heaven, where your girlfriend back on Earth is already. It's not that complicated, it's just you, a couple of weapons, and a whole HOST of monsters. A nice extra bonus, if you collect enough souls from killing monsters, you shift into Demon Form for a minute or so, during which time anything you click at simply dies.
Gameplay Difficulty Multiplayer Atmosphere Audio Visuals Big Plus Big Minus Finished it?
9 10 haven't tried 9 9 9 Starting weapons kicks ass None yet No


Commandos 2 - Command a squad of elite soldiers during WW2. Infiltrate enemy bases and silently take out sentries, guards, etc. Or go guns-a-blazing and shoot your way through. (The silent approach works way better, heh.)
Gameplay Difficulty Multiplayer Atmosphere Audio Visuals Big Plus Big Minus Finished it?
10 5 10 8 8 7 Versatility of your troops Some realism issues No


Battlefield 1942 - Road to Rome - You are a soldier in WW2. You can choose to be a scout (sniper), assault, anti-tank, medic or engineer. The aim is to capture and hold control points on the map to make your opponents' score count down to 0, at which point you win. If it's a vehicle, you can drive it :-) Airplanes, landing boats, destroyers, carriers, tanks, flak guns, mobile flak guns, artillery, whatever.
Gameplay Difficulty Multiplayer Atmosphere Audio Visuals Big Plus Big Minus Finished it?
9 8 10 10 9 9 Drive anything! Bots are stupid. Yes


Homeworld Cataclysm - Finished this game in about two days after getting it again, a little faster than last time because I remembered all the little tricks involved in the maps (which I had to learn the hard way last time I had the game) Multiplayer is lotsa fun with this game. I usually play Beast while my buddy plays Somtaaw. He points a siege cannon at somebody, then I hyperspace in and use my infect beam on the poor soul's mothership. Because a mothership cannot be infected, the beam causes intense damage. 5 Heavy Cruisers can take out an escort-less mothership in under 20 seconds.
Gameplay Difficulty Multiplayer Atmosphere Audio Visuals Big Plus Big Minus Finished it?
9 8 10 9 8 9 Fully 3D Lack of automation Yes


Games I used to play


Command & Conquer Generals - USA kicks ass here. However I like the GLA's weapon-scavenging concept. I also tend to end up with so many money-generating things that I can't build tanks fast enough. Taking out the enemy is usually a couple double clicks and an attack move. Then I go back to training another army. (If he actually stopped the 60 or so units.)

Gameplay Difficulty Multiplayer Atmosphere Audio Visuals Big Plus Big Minus Finished it?
10 9 10 8 8 8 Not complex None yet Yes


Need For Speed Underground - VRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!! I have finished this game 4 times now. It's brilliant. I can't wait for NFSU 2 :-D
Gameplay Difficulty Multiplayer Atmosphere Audio Visuals Big Plus Big Minus Finished it?
10 9 10 9 9 10 Customize ur car! None yet Yes


Hidden and Dangerous II - Sneak-around game also set in WW2. Four troopers, choose the equipment, go out and do a couple missions, repeat. It's quite a challenge, you have to learn how to use your squad effectively. Can drive almost anything in this game too.
Gameplay Difficulty Multiplayer Atmosphere Audio Visuals Big Plus Big Minus Finished it?
9 7 Dunno 10 9 9 Realism None yet No


Star Wars Jedi Knight III - Jedi Academy - They let me fight with two lightsabers! 

*passes out with a happy, dreamy expression on his face*

Finished with dual wielded sabers, damn that was fun.

Then I loaded an older savegame, chose "dualbladed saber" as my next weapon, and played from there through to finishing :-) Muchos fun. Buy this game!
Gameplay Difficulty Multiplayer Atmosphere Audio Visuals Big Plus Big Minus Finished it?
9 7 None 10 9 9 More saber styles None yet Yes


Stronghold - Somewhat old game. You are in control of a castle and all its aspects. Feed the people, build defences, make weapons, recruit troops, kill rabbits. Mmmmmm. :-)
Gameplay Difficulty Multiplayer Atmosphere Audio Visuals Big Plus Big Minus Finished it?
8 6 8 7 9 7 None really Finer points are never told.  No


Empire Earth - Don't buy this game. Don't play it. Don't look at the CD cover if you can help it. Don't ever read about it again, unless it's a warning like this one. I'm not rating this game, it'd be embarrassing for the creators.


StarCraft - Zerg is the race to go! Terran can kiss my slimy carapace backside! I play Protoss now and again though, mainly for Zealot rushing on small maps. I had so much fun the other day ... me and a buddy were feeling lazy so we just played against one computer. We decided not to attack him and see if he could take one of us out eventually. This he did not succeed in doing. After a while I spent all my minerals on Zerglings, and stormed him. Lost two groups of 'lings, he lost three bases, quite fun. :-) Oh, I forgot to warn my buddy hahahaha.
Gameplay Difficulty Multiplayer Atmosphere Audio Visuals Big Plus Big Minus Finished it?
9 8 9 7 7 7 Annoyance sounds No 1024x768 Yes


Grand Theft Auto 3 - Finished it, but I love going for joyrides around the city. I've got 91 hidden packages now, only 9 to go till ALL WEAPONS for free for ever!! :-) I wish I knew where those other packages were ... the search is taking way too long... *Found all packages now, but I have NFSU2, so the whole "drive around freely" thing is no longer a big appeal.
Gameplay Difficulty Multiplayer Atmosphere Audio Visuals Big Plus Big Minus Finished it?
9 7 None 8 8 9 Realistic driving No multiplayer Yes


Grand Theft Auto Vice City - Great improvement on GTA3, has bikes, planes and helicopters. Your mansion has a helipad on top which spawns a helicopter, and with me joining a pilot training program IRL to fly helicopters, this was wicked cool for me. :-)

Gameplay Difficulty Multiplayer Atmosphere Audio Visuals Big Plus Big Minus Finished it?
9 6 None 8 8 9 Do what you want No multiplayer Yes


Operation Flashpoint - Finished it, I don't think it has any replay value. I've decided to make a map or two for co-op multiplayer, but the mission editor is rather confusing. I'm slowly figuring parts of it out, if anybody out there knows more about making maps for this game PLEASE give me a shout. I get the impression that the folks who made this game had lots of great ideas, but unfortunately not too much experience in making games. Some of the gameplay issues are really frustrating.

Gameplay Difficulty Multiplayer Atmosphere Audio Visuals Big Plus Big Minus Finished it?
6 7 9 8 5 8 Drive anything Gameplay issues Yes


Revolt - Race radio controlled cars against one another. Great fun, kinda hard to master control of the little cars. I seem to have downloaded a rather hacked version of Revolt, I have all the cars available to me. The Mystery car is by far the best, excellent handling, acceleration and top speed. The UFO, however, is by far the fastest, and the hardest to steer.

Gameplay Difficulty Multiplayer Atmosphere Audio Visuals Big Plus Big Minus Finished it?
8 4 9 8 8 9 Addictive Hard to master No


Star Wars Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast - WOOHOO I get to slash people with mah lightsaber, I get to Force Push them over cliff edges, I get to Dark Lightning others, I get to Force Speed my way outta ANYTHING. Damn I'm having so much fun .... I finished this today (16/10/2003) that end boss was quite hard till I figured him out :p You activate the two buttons on opposite sides of the cavern, then go park in the middle. You become immortal for about 20 seconds after standing in there. Then you just switch to aggressive stance, activate Jedi Speed and WHACK that reptile.

Gameplay Difficulty Multiplayer Atmosphere Audio Visuals Big Plus Big Minus Finished it?
9 6 10 10 9 9 Be a Jedi! AI unfair force usage Yes


Championship Bass - Catch fish without going outside! Well the game is kinda old, but I lost my saved games and I wanted to show a friend of mine a certain lure the other day, so now I'm playing the game again until I find that particular bonus lure. Yes, I am THAT bored. Well I got that lure again, and now I'm having so much fun I'm continuing to play it hehe.

Gameplay Difficulty Multiplayer Atmosphere Audio Visuals Big Plus Big Minus Finished it?
8 8 5 7 6 6 Indoor fishing! !See other fisherman No


Counter Strike - ("Hi I'm Pieter and I'm a sniper ...") If I'm not sniping you can find me with an AK47 or a M4A1 in hand. If you use these guns correctly they are the deadliest in the game. The power in them are only matched by a shotgun on close range. However nothing comes close to the Arctic sniper rifle. We just call it the Elephant Gun.
Gameplay Difficulty Multiplayer Atmosphere Audio Visuals Big Plus Big Minus Finished it?
9 8 9 6 8 8 Big on realism No single player -

Unreal Tournament 2003 - I haven't played very far in the single player mode, because I decided to play on Godlike and it seems to be harder than I thought it would be.
Gameplay Difficulty Multiplayer Atmosphere Audio Visuals Big Plus Big Minus Finished it?
9 7 10 8 8 9 Lots of options HUGE install No


Unreal Tournament - InstaGib! InstaGib! InstaGib! Capture the flag is by far the most fun in this game. 

Gameplay Difficulty Multiplayer Atmosphere Audio Visuals Big Plus Big Minus Finished it?
10 10 10 8 8 8 No "useless" guns None yet Yes

Warcraft III - I started and stopped playing it again on the hard difficulty ... *shiver* The annoyance sounds in this game are excellent. 
Gameplay Difficulty Multiplayer Atmosphere Audio Visuals Big Plus Big Minus Finished it?
8 8 9 6 8 8 Annoyance sounds None yet Yes


Diablo II - I got my Patriarch back! woohoo! Nobody wants to play with me ... small town, nobody else HAS Diablo II.
Gameplay Difficulty Multiplayer Atmosphere Audio Visuals Big Plus Big Minus Finished it?
9 9 10 8 8 8 None really None yet Yes


Tyrian - Doesn't work in WindowsXP! Booooo 
Gameplay Difficulty Multiplayer Atmosphere Audio Visuals Big Plus Big Minus Finished it?
9 10 6 7 6 6 None really None yet Yes


Raptor: Call of the Shadows - Only have the friggin shareware version, dunno where our original went. Finished the first level so many times now....
Gameplay Difficulty Multiplayer Atmosphere Audio Visuals Big Plus Big Minus Finished it?
8 10 None 6 6 6 None really None yet Yes


Final Fantasy VII - Well I WOULD be playing it, but I need the CD's again. Need to get hold of some people. 
Gameplay Difficulty Multiplayer Atmosphere Audio Visuals Big Plus Big Minus Finished it?
8 8 None 9 5 7 Variety of offence Takes ages No


MechWarrior 3 - Finished it, started again, stopped playing, currently not playing. 
Gameplay Difficulty Multiplayer Atmosphere Audio Visuals Big Plus Big Minus Finished it?
8 7 Dunno 7 8 7 Customize 'mech None yet Yes


Freelancer - Finished it, but I've decided to go back and fix my reputation. Trouble is, everywhere I go, people already know who I am, and start attacking if they are in the appropriate faction. I don't want to be a Corsair (pirate clan) anymore :p *Update* got bored, game currently just sitting on my PC. *Update* Game no longer on PC.

Gameplay Difficulty Multiplayer Atmosphere Audio Visuals Big Plus Big Minus Finished it?
10 8 10 8 9 9 Big game world Everybody knows. Yes


Red Alert II - Playing against 1 Brutal computer is way too easy for Great Britain (sniper bunnies). So I'm currently expanding to 2 and 3 computers while playing something crap like America. (No offence to IRL Americans. America's special is paratroopers, which most maps have ANYWAY.) 

Gameplay Difficulty Multiplayer Atmosphere Audio Visuals Big Plus Big Minus Finished it?
8 8 9 6 8 7 None really Unbalanced Yes


Total Annihilation - I always tend to end up with too many airplanes. I have on several occasions sent all air units on kamikaze strikes just so I can build more heavy tanks and assault things like that hehe. 

Gameplay Difficulty Multiplayer Atmosphere Audio Visuals Big Plus Big Minus Finished it?
8 8 9 5 6 8 None really None yet Yes


Morrowind - Wow, they made a game in which you can do anything you damn well please. You can be a spellcaster with some estates in his name, you can be a freelancing merc who kills for a living. You can be a Vampire out to slay mankind, you can be ... anything. However since it takes so damn long to get anything done, and the fact that the largest city in the game is built like a maze, I don't like it anymore. Vivec is so damn confusing, I don't know what the programmers were thinking. 

Gameplay Difficulty Multiplayer Atmosphere Audio Visuals Big Plus Big Minus Finished it?
7 6 Dunno 9 8 8 HUGE world HUGE world No


Theme Hospital - Management game, kinda hard after a while. Some of the diseases you have to cure are quite funny though. 

Gameplay Difficulty Multiplayer Atmosphere Audio Visuals Big Plus Big Minus Finished it?
8 6 1 5 6 6 None really None yet No


Soldat - Very small 2D war game. Great fun. Been ages since I played it though. 

Gameplay Difficulty Multiplayer Atmosphere Audio Visuals Big Plus Big Minus Finished it?
10 9 9 5 5 6 Addictive None yet -


Hitman - Silent assassin game, with the odd not-so-silent mission. Was great fun, though very hard. 

Gameplay Difficulty Multiplayer Atmosphere Audio Visuals Big Plus Big Minus Finished it?
9 5 None 10 9 8 Realism Bleedin' hard No


Hitman 2 - Well I haven't actually stopped playing this game, because I have not really started yet. Can't really rate it.


Enter the Matrix - This game was so much fun, but now that I've finished the game with both characters (Niobe and Ghost) there's not much point in playing it again. 

Gameplay Difficulty Multiplayer Atmosphere Audio Visuals Big Plus Big Minus Finished it?
10 8 None 9 9 9 The moves! None yet Yes


Delta Force Land Warrior - There are some reality checks missing in this game. Just look at somebody running, then look at somebody shooting. Then try to change secondary weapons on the battlefield. You can't. 

Gameplay Difficulty Multiplayer Atmosphere Audio Visuals Big Plus Big Minus Finished it?
8 9 Dunno 6 5 5 None really Human animation No


Homeworld - Fully 3D space RTS. I had this a while back but decided to get it again. Currently I'm pissed at the game for not giving me enough technology to research by the time I encounter the enemy. My most advanced unit: assault frigate. Most advanced enemy unit: Carrier, Destroyer. This is sooo unfair. I sent two waves in there and they were ripped apart. This game has a chance of getting benched. Also it seems the support frigates are busted, they don't actually repair ships, they just hang around them.
Gameplay Difficulty Multiplayer Atmosphere Audio Visuals Big Plus Big Minus Finished it?
9 8 9 7 7 8 Fully 3D Lack of automation Yes



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