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A Gorean Slave Serve

What is a serve ?........

The way I look at things is that online Gor has had about every 'possible variation', every 'idea imaginable' of how a slave serves a beverage correctly.

It seems every Room Owner has his or her idea of what is correct. And, to be sure, a Free Person is entitled to and may require a slave to serve in any manner that meets a whim.

It does not matter to me HOW the slave is required to serve. He / She can hold a tray on the bottoms of the feet while walking on the hands for all I care.

What is blatantly wrong is then to announce that 'a certain way' is proper and this way is not. Also I have heard so many times...... "You shall serve this way because the books say so!".

What is also just as wrong is for a slave to observe another slave serving a certain way and then use that technique and even add her own twist, without verifying if it is proper.

This only compounds and propagates the error.


So what exactly is a serve according to the books?

Below are two links.

One, in context, to every instance where the mechanics of a serve are described and the other to a composite serve where I took out all the redundant parts and melded the remaining pieces into the order in which they happen.

Before you head to the links below, I would like to indicate a few things:

1. There is NO instance of a slave ‘sweetening’ a beverage.

2. There is NO occurrence of the words ‘slave’s heart’ or ‘slave heart’.

For example "she holds the cup to herself for three beats of a slave’s heart."

3. There is NO instance of a slave 'taking three steps'.

For example "she moves back three steps, turns and goes to get the beverage."

4. There are only three instances where the words ‘three steps’ occur, and none of which are in the context of a serve.

5. There is NO instance of the words 'three beats' during a serve.

6. There is only one instance where the words ‘three beats’ appear, and again this is not in context of a serve.

7. There is NO instance where a slave is shown to taste the drink.

8. There is, however ONE instance where a slave was to taste the drink of a Master and as can be seen, she was to have her own bowl.

"Bring two bowls." I said.

"Two?" asked the girl.

"The slave," I said, indicating Elizabeth, "will taste it first."

"Of course, Master," said the girl.

Assassin of Gor - Page 106

BUT even then she is not shown as tasting Tarl's beverage.


Serves Continued

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