
Context Serve,

I have searched the entire series for every instance where the mechanics of a beverage serve is described.

Then I took the different factors from all of these descriptions and complied a composite serve.

I have also shown each instance of a serve in context should you wish to research these.


The Context Serve,

"Lean forward, bending knees slightly, body graceful, voice a whisper in the ear, an invitation

"Wine, Master?"

"May I serve you?" she asked.

Carefully wipe the goblet.

"Her hands, slightly, shook on the paga bottle"

"She poured wine into the crater and replaced the bottle"

"She attended to the filling of the cup, and capped the spout on the bag"

"She poured, carefully, the hot, black beverage into the tiny red cup"

"She poured carefully, terrified that she might spill it"


Kneel, back on your heels, knees widely spread, in the dictated position of the Pleasure Slave

Hold the goblet in both hands

Take the goblet and hold it against your body, pushing inward against your belly, low, below the navel, press the cup into your belly

Press your lips to the goblet, to its side, kissing it

Close your eyes

Again, head turned to the side, press your lips softly, lovingly, lingeringly, delicately, fully, against it, kissing it

Open your eyes

Lower your head, down between your arms

Throw your hair forward

Extended your arms, lifting the goblet

offer the goblet

"Wine, Master?"

"I offer you wine, Master."

"Paga, Master?"

"Your paga, Master."

"For your pleasure, I bring you paga and a slave."

"I bring you drink, Master."

"Thank you, Master."

She knelt back, about a yard from the table.

She bowed her head and with a shy smile, backed gracefully, then turned and hurried away.


Other serves of note,

I then took the wine, with a small copper bowl, and a black, red-trimmed wine crater, to the side of the fire.

I poured some of the wine into the small copper bowl, and set it on the tripod over the tiny fire in the fire bowl.

After a time I took the copper bowl from the fire and held it against my cheek.

I returned it again to the tripod, and waited.

Again I took the bowl from the fire.

It was now not comfortable to hold the bowl, but it was not painful to do so.

I poured the wine from the small copper bowl into the black, red-trimmed wine crater, placing the small bowl in a rack to one side of the fire.

I swirled, slowly, the wine in the wine crater.

I held the wine crater against my right cheek. I could feel the warmth of the wine through the side of the crater.

She carried a tray, on which were various spoons and sugars.

She knelt, placing her tray on the table.

With a tiny spoon, its tip no more than a tenth of a hort in diameter, she placed four measures of white sugar, and six of yellow, in the cup; with two stirring spoons, one for the white sugar, another for the yellow, she stirred the beverage after each measure.

She then held the cup to the side of her cheek, testing its temperature timidly kissed the side of the cup and placed it before him.

Then, her head down, she withdrew.


Serves Continued

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