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Jango's Apartment
After reporting his findings on the planet Kamino to Yoda and Mace Windu, Obi-Wan is instructed to apprehend Jango Fett and bring him back to Coruscant for questioning. In the movie we see Obi-Wan encounter Jango just as he is preparing to leave in his ship, and then the rumble in the rain ensues.

But how did Obi-Wan know that Jango was out on the Kamino landing platform about to leave?

In this small cut scene, Obi-Wan returns to Jango's apartment only to find the Fetts gone and the room in disorder. He views Jango Fett and Boba Fett out on the landing platform through a computer terminal located in the room.

Here is the excerpt from the screenplay included with the "Art of Episode II" book...


OBI-WAN arrives at the door to JANGO FETT'S apartment. He reaches up and runs his fingers along the door, locating the locks. The door slides open.


OBI-WAN walks in to find the room in complete disorder. The bedroom door is wide open-clear signs of hurried departure. All of the FETT'S personal belongings are gone.

OBI-WAN goes to an ultra-thin computer screen. He punches up AN ONSCREEN PICTURE of JANGO FETT and BOBA FETT unhitching the lines securing their ship on the landing platform. JANGO FETT is wearing his armor and rocket pack.

Earlier when Taun We takes Obi-Wan to meet Jango, he takes notice of the door lock entry mechanism, which is how he was able to get in but this detail was omitted due to the aparment scene's deletion.

At the 2002 SMPTE seminar, Rick McCallum presented an AOTC technical reel showing off the benefits of the HD camera. This reel featured many deleted scenes and shots including this Kamino scene. You can read the report from this seminar at Filmthreat.com or Star Wars Obscurities which has a nice detailed report on both the seminar and this scene in particular.

The first pic is from the AOTC Visual Dictionary. It is not necessarily from this scene but probably just a shot of the apartment set. I'm not sure of the second pic's source but it seems to be of Obi-Wan is Jango's apartment perhaps looking down at the computer screen.

-Script from Art of Episode II book.
-AOTC Visual Dictionary book.
-Star Wars Obscurities

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