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The Cloning Room Floor
Miscellaneous deletions for Geonosis...

Asteroid Chase Dialogue
There were some lines of dialogue dropped or revised from the asteroid chase. Below is the script excerpt with the deleted dialogue highlighted in blue...

Nearly there, son.

INSIDE THE COCKPIT, a small blip shows up on the ship's scan screen.

Dad! I think we're being tracked...Look at the scan screen! Isn't that a cloaking shadow?

BOBA FETT checks the scan screen and reveals a small tracking device on the outer hull.

He must have put a homing device on our hull during the fight...We'll fix that! Hang on, son! We'll move into the asteroid field. He won't be able to follow us there. If he does, we'll leave him a couple of surprises.

He pushes some buttons and the spot where the device was disappears. JANGO FETT guides his ship into the asteroid fields. OBI-WAN stops his ship.

That's interesting, Arfour. They seem to have discovered the tracker. Shut down...Shape scan their last coordinates.

JANGO FETT pilots his ship through the asteroid field.

He's gone.

He must have gone on toward the surface.

BOBA sees OBI-WAN on the screen.

Look, Dad! He's back!

Hang on!

He releases a charge which drifts toward OBI-WAN. As the charge approaches OBI-WAN'S Starfighter, ARFOUR beeps.

Whoa! Sonic charges...Stand by.

JANGO'S ship goes into a power climb to avoid an asteroid.

Dad! Watch out!

Stay calm, son. We'll be fine. That Jedi won't be able to follow us through this.

OBI-WAN'S ship dives into the asteroid behind them.

There he is!

He doesn't seem to be able to take a hint.

Watch out!

OBI-WAN passes over the asteroid and JANGO emerges, chasing after him.

Attack of the Rogas
Originally Obi-Wan's starfighter droid, R4-P17 was to have a full body instead of being built into the ship's hull. In the 2nd draft there was a small scene where the poor astromech was attacked by creatures called "Rogas". This concept was dropped and thus never filmed. Below is the excerpt from the 2nd draft...

The canopy of OBI-WAN'S starship is covered with SMALL CRAWLING CREATURES. The ARFOUR DROID WHIMPERS as the CREATURES back the little droid against a rock wall.


OBI-WAN hears the DROID WHIMPER through his comlink. He starts up the stairs, coming to an outside window. OBI-WAN takes out his binoculars as he talks into his comlink.

Arfour... Arfour... Where are you!?

THROUGH THE BINOCULARS, OBI-WAN sees the DROID being chased off by the CRAWLING CREATURES, (ROGAS). He puts the binoculars away and climbs the stairs.

The two images below both from the official site's Image Attack series depict the Roda creature as artwork and a clay maquette.

The Geonosis Spire
According to John Knoll's book "Creating the Worlds of Star Wars 365 Days", there were originally more scenes planned to take place within the Geonosian spire that Obi-Wan sneaks into in the film. One of these scenes was to be the site of Obi-Wan's capture before George decided to change it to beside the Jedi's ship. According to the book the original scene atop the spire was filmed in Sydney, Australia.

Sun Rit/Sun Fac
In both scripts, Poggle the Lesser had an assistant that was always present with him. Depending on which script you read his name was either Sun Rit in the 2nd draft or Sun Fac in the Art of Episode II script. Except for one shot during the Separatists conference scene, he seems to have been dropped from the film altogether and most of the dialogue he had in the scripts became Poggle's.

Like Parents Like Children
According to the depth text commentary available through the DVD weblink, there was going to be a short scene were Anakin and Padmé swung across a chasm in the droid factory ala Luke and Leia aboard the Death Star in Episode IV. Ben Burtt also mentions this in the DVD audio commentary. The two pics below, the first from SW Insider magazine #56 and the second from the Select series may be from this scene.

Extended Mace and Dooku Scene
The scene where Mace Windu sneaks up on Count Dooku in his arena box originally featured some more dialogue exchanged between the two. My personal speculation is that the extra dialogue was dropped to get to the point quicker which was in this case the start of the Arena battle. Below is the script excerpt from the Art of Episode II book...

In the archducal box, amid the uproar, MACE WINDU ignites his lightsaber and holds it to JANGO FETT'S neck. COUNT DOOKU turns to see MACE WINDU standing behind him. COUNT DOOKU masks his surprise elegantly.

Master Windu, how pleasant of you to join us. You're just in time for the moment of truth. I would think these two new boys of yours could use a little more training.

Sorry to disappoint you, Dooku. This party's over.

MACE WINDU signals, and at strategic places around the arena there are sudden flashes of light as about ONE HUNDRED JEDI switch on their lightsabers. The crowd is suddenly silent. COUNT DOOKU'S lips curl in slight amusement.

(to Mace Windu) Brave, but foolish, my old Jedi friend. You're impossibly outnumbered.

I don't think so. The Geonosians aren't warriors. One Jedi has to be worth a hundred Geonosians.

COUNT DOOKU looks around the great theater. His smile grows.

It wasn't the Geonosians I was thinking about. How well do you think one Jedi will hold up against a thousand battle droids?

Nute Gunray the Referee
In the script Nute Gunray originally yelled "Foul!" when Padmé kicked the Nexu off the pillar. Yes, this is a pretty insignifigant detail, but I thought it would have been pretty humorous to hear Nute shout that.
In the archducal box:

Foul!! She can't do that... shoot her or something!

Barbequed Neimoidian
This tidbit is not in the movie and probably wasn't filmed but it's a funny detail none the less. At the beginning of the Arena Battle, Jango Fett attempts to fry Mace Windu with his flamethrower which Mace avoids by leaping into the Arena. But in the storyboards, Nute Gunray, was the unlucky recipient of the misdirected flames. Although the storyboard pic quality isn't that great, you can still make out Nute from his trademark headdress. Whether you love him or hate him, seeing Nute Gunray get his robes scorched would have been amusing.

The Acklay V.S. The Nexu
In the finished movie, Obi-Wan kills the Acklay with his lightsaber and the Nexu is taken out by a ferocious hit from the charging Reek. But in the "2nd draft", the Nexu attacked and killed the Acklay after Obi-Wan had injured it with a spear.

The NEXU springs. PADME leaps from the top of the post to land on the REEK in front of ANAKIN. He hauls her upright. The REEK charges away, around the arena. The NEXU bounds after it. The REEK passes the wounded ACKLAY. The NEXU smells the blood and turns aside to attack the ACKLAY. The TWO MONSTERS fight. The crowd GROANS and BOOS.


OBI-WAN runs and jumps on the back of the REEK behind ANAKIN. Across the arena, the NEXU, having chewed up the ACKLAY, starts to advance toward them.

Jedi Combat
Ben Burtt confirms in one of his answers to a Jedi Council question on the official site that there was a lot of Jedi fighting action that had to be cut from the Arena battle due to running time constraints. Below are a few shots of Jedi action not seen in the finished movie. The first three pics are from the AOTC trading card game, the rest are from the official site's Image Attack series. A lot of additional deleted Jedi combat can also be seen in the "Droid Control Ship Raid" video on Hyperspace.

This Way Or That Way
Here are a couple more flipped shots. The first is of Jango landing in the Arena. I would assume this shot was flipped because it was originally from where Jango lands in the Arena then fires his grappling wire at Mace. But since that bit was deleted, Jango now lands then tries to lunge for Mace's saber. And since Jango was lunging to the left of the screen, the landing had to be flipped to go with the flow of the action. The second and third pics are of Anakin during his duel with Dooku in the dark. You'll notice his padawan braid is on the wrong side.

-Script from Art of Episode II book.
-2nd draft script.
-AOTC Storybook.
-AOTC Trading Card Game.
-starwars.com: Image Attack.

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