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Droid Control Ship Raid
Update: This scene is now included as part of the exclusive video content on the official site's new pay per view site entitled "Hyperspace". The scene is in rough cut form so it contains no finished effects. Screencaps from the scene are at the bottom of the page.

During the Arena battle, there was to be a side mission involving Plo Koon, Ki-Adi Mundi and a dozen other Jedi raiding a Trade Federation Control ship in an attempt to shut down the droid army.

Ben Burtt discussed why this sequence was cut in an "Ask the Jedi Council" question on the starwars.com.

Q: Why was Plo Koon and Ki-Adi-Mundi's commando raid on the Droid Control Ship cut from the final edit of Attack of the Clones?

A: The attack on the Droid Control Ship was filmed and edited together, but never completed with final special effects. A Jedi attack force battled its way up the ship's ramp, through doorways, down halls, and into the bridge of the ship. The scene was filled with much swordplay and stunts.

The sequence was dropped from the cut because it added another story to be intercut with what already was becoming too complicated and time consuming for the climax of the movie. Including the sequence also meant time needed to set it up and resolve it while the arena battle and the Clone War land battle proceeded simultaneously.

There was lots and lots of material in each one of these sequences that needed to be trimmed. There was lots of Jedi action in the arena fight dropped, more Jango and Mace, and even at one point a battle in space with the Droid Control Ships.

All of these would have been great to see, but choices have to be made for the priorities of the storyline.

Here is the excerpt from the "2nd draft"...

MACE WINDU runs to the center of the arena and fights back-to-back with OBI-WAN, as they swipe and mangle DROIDS.

Someone's got to - shut down - these droids.

Don't worry! It's being - taken care of!


KI-ADI-MUNDI leads a raiding party of about TWENTY JEDI through the lines of parked Battle Starships. They cut a swath through masses of DROIDS until they arrive at the Command Starship. Some JEDI fall. The rest cut their way up the ramps and into the Command Ship.


KI-ADI-MUNDI and the surviving JEDI fight their way through the corridors of the Command Ship, deflecting laser bolts, slicing DROIDS.


THEY burst onto the bridge and chop down the COMMAND DROIDS. The NEIMOIDIANS flee in all directions. KI-ADI-MUNDI leans over the control panel. He locates the illuminated master switch and punches down on it. It goes dark. Instantly, all the DROIDS on the Starship and all the DROIDS in the arena FREEZE!

There is a moment of stunned silence, then the JEDI CHEER. One the bridge, PLO KOON claps KI-ADI-MUNDI on the back.

We've done it! Now we have a chance!

Suddenly, there is a harsh BEEPING SOUND. All the DROIDS on the Starship and all the DROIDS in the arena start fighting again! KI-ADI-MUNDI stares in disbelief and dismay.

The system's off but they're still active. That's a new feature. They are independent of the control system.


MACE WINDU, OBI-WAN, ANAKIN, PADME and an exhausted group of about TWENTY JEDI stand in the center of the arena surrounded by a ring of BATTLE DROIDS. The bloodied sand around them is strewn with the bodies of DEAD GEONOSIANS, SHATTERED DROIDS and JEDI.

At the foot of some steps, BOBA FETT finds his father's battered helmet. He picks it up.

KI-ADI-MUNDI and the SURVIVORS from the raiding party are herded into the arena by SUPERDROIDS. From the encircling tiers above, THOUSANDS OF BATTLE DROIDS level their weapons menacingly.

The pictures below are from the IGN Filmforce behind the scenes footage with Mace and Obi-Wan speaking the lines in the script. This shot does appear in the movie but without the dialogue of course.

final movie shot

This next set of pics are screencaps from the "Hyperspace" trailer on starwars.com.

-2nd draft script.
-IGN Filmforce: Behind the scenes footage.
-starwars.com: Ask the Jedi Council question, "Hyperspace" trailer.

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