Join Mornings Dawn Weyr

Fill out a persona form for each persona you plan on playing at Mornings Dawn Weyr. Not only do these forms let us know a bit more about you, but they really help to develope the characters later on in your own mind.

Please make sure you have read over the rules and requirements before completing the persona sheet. There is a blank text version of the sheet available.

Once you have completed your form (or if you need help filling one out) please e-mail it to Nicole and Linda

For your convenience, we now have an Automated Join Form for your use. If you would like to fill out your persona sheet in this fashion, please do.

Mornings Dawn Weyr Persona Sheet
Created: When did you creat your character?
Approved: The persona approvers will fill this out.
Updated: When did you update your character?

Mundane Information
Full Name: We need this for our records.
Email Address: So we can get a hold of you if we need to.
Website: If you have a website, we can add it to our links page.
Birthday: Remember, there is no age restrictions, but please be aware that some stories may contain a more mature theme than others.
Other Clubs: Do you belong to any other Pern related clubs?
File Compatibility: What files are you able to read?
Where did you hear about Mornings Dawn?: 'Cos we're nosy..
How much time are you willing to put into the club?: Nosy again..

Persona Information
Persona Name: Male dragonriders honrize their names and female riders have the option.
Former Name: If available. Nickname: If there is one. Rank:
Gender/Sexual Orientation: Should be simple to answer. ;-)
Age: Candidate are between the ages of 14 and 24.
Birthdate: (click to see the Conversion Charts)
Birthplace:May be from any and all locations other than those restricted by Ms. McCaffrey. (These include Benden Hold�, Ruatha Hold�, Benden Weyr� or the Harper Hall at Fort Hold.)
Parents: Name/Age/Gender/Position/Location
Foster Parents: (If any) Name/Age/Gender/Position/Location
Siblings: Name/Age/Gender/Position/Location (There is no birth-control on Pern. It would be very unlikely for non-dragonrider families to have only one child.)
Children: If any
Weyrmate/Spouse: If any
Others: Anyone else that's important in your characters life?

Physical Description
Eye color/shape: Nothing too out of the ordinary, please.
Hair color/style: Is there a certain way your character likes to have their hair? Is it short or long? Remember, female dragonriders don't usually have hair down to their rears.
Distinguishing Marks/Scars:
Handedness: Ambidextrous is rare on Pern.
Jewelry/Weapons: Most Pernese have at least a belt-knife.
Clothing: What kinds of colors and styles does your character like? Anything in particular they can't live without?

Try not to make your persona too perfect. We all can't have that woman who is muscular, slim and curvey all at once or that man who is the man women dream of. Try to make them interesting with little quirks that they can grow out of. We'll love to see them all the more for their imperfections!

Background: Give us a detailed description of your persona's life. What has gone on in their past to make them who they are today?
Timeline: List important dates and events that are significant to your persona.
Personality: What is your persona like? Remember, try not to make him or her too perfect.
Pets: Firelizard? Canine? Feline? Nothing too out of the ordinary, please.
Other: Anything interesting you might want people to know about your persona: talents, hobbies, personal possessions, strange habits, et cetera.

Dragon Information
Dragons Name: Dragon name's always end in -th.
Color: Gold dragons are available only through Impression (if you are backdating a dragon, please see our Clutch Charts for color availability.)
Size: Please refer to the Dragon Size Chart.
Where and When Impressed: Did they Impress here or at another Weyr? When did they Impress?
Sire/Dam: Again, refer to the Clutch Chart if you Impressed at Mornings Dawn.
Wing: We will fill this in for you.
Physical Appearance: What does your dragon look like?
Personality: What is your dragon like? What kind of quirks or habits does he or she have?
Abilities: What does your dragon do? Are they fast? Agile or lazy? Anything out of the ordinary that is within reason for Pernese dragons, et cetera.
Relationships: How does your dragon react around: people, other dragons, flitters, other pets or animals, their mate, et cetera.
Strengths and Weaknesses: Are they fast flyers? Can they turn at the drop of a dime? Are they slow in taking off?

Craft: What Craft is your character in?
Master: Who taught you?
Specialty: What, in their Craft, are they really good at?
Rank and Location: What is your current position and location?
Strengths: What are your strengths in the Craft?
Weaknesses: What are your weaknesses in the Craft?

Hold: Name of Hold
Size: Major, minor or cot
Rank/Position: Rank or Position

PC they're associated with: Persona they 'belong' to.
Controller: That would be you.
Permissions: Do we need permission to use him or her? Who do we contact if we do?

Home | Weyr History | People of Our Pern | Rules and Reqs | Join Mornings Dawn | Date Conversion | Dragon Size Chart | Hatching Grounds | Clutch Charts | Approval Notices | Webrings

**All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey's fiction are copyright� Anne McCaffrey 1967,2000, all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author.**

**The Dragonriders of Pern� is registered U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, by Anne McCaffrey, used here with permission. Use or reproduction without a license is strictly prohibited.**

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