Finding Tack that Fits Your Donkey
No!  Horse saddles do not usually fit donkeys.  A horse has a dip in the back at the spine (and a wither rise) and most donkeys to not.  A horse saddle is curved (sort of imagine the curve on a rocking chair).  The donkey's back isn't curved in the same way, so it's kind of like trying to set that rocking chair on the donkeys back. 

Instead of a regular Western saddle, try an Australian saddle (Aussie) or a McClellan.  The bars are actually a little different in shape, and there is not as much leather on the skirts.

You not only need to fit the saddle to the donkey's back, but you will need to make sure the seat size (usually ranging from 15-19") fits YOUR behind.  A 15" is a small seat, a 19" will be longer and slightly wider.

The saddle still needs to sit back off of the animal's shoulder blades, and occasionally you may need to have the rigging (where the girth is attached to the saddle itself) moved in order to keep the girth from rubbing the animal or causing the saddle to slip.

Cruppers/breeching (britchin) may need to be added in some cases.  They need to be fitted to the individual animal, and MAKE SURE YOU GET THEM USED TO the equipment in the round pen before you ride!!!!!

one source for good tack is Chicks Mailorder catalog.  Call them at 1-800-444-2441 and they will send you a free catalog.  They carry a vast array of halters, bridles, saddles, boots, clothing, blankets, grooming supplies, wormers, and gift items. 

Our office manager here at ADMS has used this supply company for over 10 years and has been very happy with their products. They have everything from working, very lot-cost, to show quality.

Australian and McClellan  saddles can alos be found at the Bargain Corral, 1-800-955-5616. 

Ask your local tack store if they carry any Australian saddles.

If you know a friend that has an Aussie or a Mac, you might try it riding it to see if you like the style, and then ask if you can try it on your animal.  You may have to experiment with a variety of sizes and types before you find one that suits you and your donkey both.

Halters can sometimes be difficult to fit to donkeys.  Their faces are a little deeper through the jaw , and if you find a halter that will fit the jaw, it may hang elsewhere.  Halters that are adjustable at both sides of the crown, and those with adjustable nosebands are even better.

If your donkey has a smaller mouth, there are pony bits that are about 1" narrower, both in snaffles and western bits.  Only about 1/4" of the bit should extend past the sides of the mouth.  A half-inch on either side is the max - and may be too much for most animals (especially if it is fixed shank bit, like a western, as opposed to a ringed bit like a snaffle).

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