Online Dating:
The Stupidest Thing Ever Thought of
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    Alright, Online dating.  A very popular idea, but very stupid.  There are many reasons why it is stupid; starting off with the fact that you don't really know who the other person really is.  For all you know, they could be some really big fat guy(yes even for you guys) who sits around the house all day naked because he has nothing else to do, is a loser, and finds it hilarious that you have no clue who they are.  Excuse me while I go BARF because that is just gross.
     You may be thinking right now,"No, I know who is on the other side, I have talked to them on the phone before!"  NO, that still doesn't tell you ANYTHING!  They could be making those grandchildren whose pictures they sent to talk to you on the phone to make you think that was really them.  People would gladly do that to laugh at the stupidity of others.
     The fact that you will never meet the other person also makes the idea even more stupid.  You are just wasting your time thinking that the 'relationship' will work out, but it never had a chance from the beginning.  I don't care how much you 'love' each other or how you 'promised' each other you will meet each other one day.  Read my lips.
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    Your other may be lying about every single thing they say.  They may say 'I love you' and all that crap, but in another window they could be cybering with some other person.  You would never know!
     Think about it.  It's just like dating your computer!  Would you want to give your computer a big smooch just because you 'love it so much'?  I don't think so!  That's really need a life if you wanna try that....
     Also, if you online date, do you know how EXTREMELY annoying it is when you go complain to someone else about your bf/gf not being online?!  Do you know how pathetic that makes you sound?  If you did, you would definitly not complain to us about someone you don't even know.
     *Barfs* Just thinking about the stupidity of online dating makes me sick.  Have fun with your computer, keep me out of it.  Also, if your computer breaks, I would stop that cybering....its not good for your moniter....
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