Hello and welcome to my site.  This site has is mainly about stuff that I feel like ranting about or just stuff I thought I would put online for others to see.
     I'm gonna start off with a poem I wrote a couple weeks ago. 
That Night
She slowly closed her eyes
She thought it was right
That she would say her goodbyes
And decease that night

No one really cares
If the were alive or dead
Quietly she glares
Those were the thoughts in her head

She thought it was right
That there was no other way
And after that night
She wouldn't see another day

There was no one to help her
To stop this from taking place
It was unexpected to occur
As they never seen the tears on her face.

In her hand she held a knife
She thought she wouldn't be missed
She took away her own life
Blood trickling down her wrist

And for her that was the end
She saw her last glimpse of light
For her thoughts would not mend
She had deceased that night

Tiffany Andrews
Email me and tell me what you think of the poem!
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