Mo's Photo Album

Russians visit Minnesota
First photos from Russia
Where I live / study
Disco divas
The dacha
Train photos
Tsarskoe Selo
St. Petersburg Beer Festival
The Hermitage Museum
The Zoological Museum
Lake Schuchye
City walk
Bachelorette party
Tikhvin Cemetery
Ilya and Natasha's wedding
Vera's birthday
Hangin' out

St. Petersburg from the Web

Graduation party

Sunday, June 3rd was Aleksandr Borisenko's 45th birthday. Yulia, Lena and I took the train to the dacha to have lunch and celebrate in traditional Russian fashion. (Lots of toasting!)

Photos for railroad enthusiasts.

Click on a photo for a larger version.

Obukhovo platform, which is very close to our apartment.


Here comes the train!


Yulia and Vanya, enjoying the train ride.


Yulia in conversation with Lena (who was in shadow, therefore no photos) while Vanya contemplates jumping down.


Yulia gives Vanya a kiss while he contemplates the view.


An old woman on the train.


The dacha, with everyone outside. I'm standing in front of the sauna and outhouses. (Pew!)


The vegetable garden and the dacha next door.


A dacha in the woods near the 45 km platform.


The road leading towards St. Petersburg.


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