Michael B's 3D Renderings

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More Boolean Operations

6. Creating the base of the deck is the same as creating the top of the deck. Make a cube and resize it so it is smaller than the top of the deck both in length and width, but larger in height (mine is 153x117x11.5). Position it directly under the deck, with the top of the new cube touching the bottom of the deck. Using the previous steps, create smooth edges for the base, this time making the dimensions of the spheres 2x2x2 and the cylinders 2x2x(the length of the cube's side). Remember there is no need to smooth the edges of the top of the new cube. The base cube is black, the cylinders are red, the spheres are green and the cubes which fill the holes are blue. The deck created previously is silver. Don't forget to group the relative objects, as this really helps keeping track of things later on.


7. Now the main modelling is complete, it's time to add detail. We will now make the feet of the turntable. Create a cylinder (mine was 20x20x5.5). Create another cylinder that is a little smaller and much flatter. This will be the metal part of the foot you can see in my reference picture on the previous page (mine was 19.5x19.5x1). Position it directly below the first cylinder. Now copy the first cylinder and position it directly below the thin cylinder. You should now have three cylinders on top of each other. Round off the bottom edge of the foot using a torus (Vue 2 can't create a torus so I imported one I made is sPatch, hence the funny lines in the wireframe shot).


8. Duplicate the foot and position one under each corner of the base of the deck, making sure there is no over hang of the foot (ie. you can't see the top of the foot at all). Render a picture of the semi-complete deck and check for any visual errors, making sure you fix them. Now we will use boolean modeling on the top part of the deck to create things like the platter and the pitch control. Create a cylinder for the inset of the platter (the bit which you put the record on and it spins around). My cylinder was 114x114x1. Set it to the left of the centre of the deck, so it sits about the same distance from the front, back and left sides. Place it so half the cylinder sits in the top of the very first cube we created. Use a boolean operation to subtract the cylinder from the cube. It should look like below.


Next: Adding the platter!

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[email protected]

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