Michael B's 3D Renderings

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More Boolean Operations

6. Now to add the light. Use the previous process to create a pill shaped inset, similar to the buttons we created. Now create a cylinder about 5 or 6 units high with a radius smaller than the radius of the new cylinder insets. Position it on the top of the left cylinder. Create another cylinder slightly larger than the one just created and position it centrally over the left cylinder. Make the height of the cylinder about half of the height of the pill inset and use it to create a boolean extraction. Do the same thing for the right cylinder. This is the inset for the button the turn on and off the light. In this inset put a squashed sphere for the button. I hope this isn't getting too confusing!


7. To create the pitch slider, make a cube of about 5x5x5 and position it in the middle of the slider groove. Create a smaller cube and resize it to about 1x1x6 and use a boolean subtraction to make a little groove in the top of the slider. Now make a cylinder and position it just left of the slider (looking from the left side, along the groove). Clone the cylinder and position it similarly on the right. Boolean subtract both cylinders and the slider is done. Add a smaller sphere for the 0 position light of the slider just to the right.


8. Now for the most time consuming part. Create a cylider about half the radius of the turntable platter and position it so it cuts the inset of the platter and is about 2 units from the top/right edge of the deck. Boolean subtract this from the deck. Create a cylinder just smaller than the one just made and put it where the subtraction was made. Now create a cylinder the same radius as the platter inset and centre it where the platter inset is. Subtract that from the previous cylinder so you now have a cylinder with a bit missing, sort of like a three quarter moon.


The next page contains large JPGs of the next steps so it will take a little longer to load.

Next: Holy crap!

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Copyright Michael Balzer 2002
[email protected]

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