Mechid Hikers Club is formed to promote Hiking and Mountaineering among youngsters. Hiking is a natural exercise that promotes physical fitness, is economical and convenient, and requires no special equipment. Because the hiker can walk as far as he wants, there is no physical strain unless he walks among hills or mountains.


Hiking is simply walking for recreational purposes. A good summary is: "In Hiking, the Journey is more important than the Destination". Hiking could be your average Sunday walk through the park or it could be an expedition through the Meherder mountain range. There are many words often used for Hiking depending on the Hiking conditions, hike length and terrain.

Trekking, Backpacking, Bushwalking, Trailing and Mountaineering are just few of the terms that could be seen as Hiking discipline and variations. In their most basic forms, these activities all boil down to walking. If you are able to put one foot in front of the other then you are able to walk and hike

How much activity do we need to reap incredible health benefits? Experts say getting active for just 150 minutes a week - doing "moderate-intensity" aerobic exercise such as moderate hiking or brisk walking - leads to most of the health benefits. That's only two and a half hours a week. If we take part in more vigorous aerobic activities, such as running, or hiking uphill with a heavy pack, we need only half that amount of time, or 75 minutes a week, to get health benefits.


Honor Roll

Mechid Hikers Club held election on 22nd Dec after every two years. Members of the club vote to chose President, Vice President, General Secretary and Finance Secretary.