(Quetta 01/01/2018) Mohammad Younas President Mechid Hikers club called a meeting of Boared of Directors on Saturday Dec 15, 2017 to discuss upon a summary sent by the General Secratary recommending that the election be held on Dec 22, 2017.

Earlier this week, the General Secratary had sent a summary to President for aproving of holding of the election for President and directors for the year 2018-2019. President MHC directed to General Secratary to prepare the meeting agenda and recommendations for the annual meeting.

President M.H.C presented the performance report for the year 2016-17. All members expressed satisfaction at the report and Presidents performance was also praised. In 2018-19 to further improve the performance of the club was resolved.

Under the Club rules, the president holds the authority to announce the election in consultation with the General Secratary.

The Two-year constitutional term of the President and Directors will end on Dec 31, 2017.

For the year 2018-19 for the election of President , Vice President and other officials the members voted . For the year 2018-19, all members unanimously elected Mr. Muhammad Ali as President, While Vice President Muhammad Younas, General Secretary Mohammad Ismail, Finance Secretary Manzoor Hussain, Hike Planning Director Arif Ali and Ali Raza Press Secretary.


Honor Roll

Mechid Hikers Club held election on 22nd Dec after every two years. Members of the club vote to chose President, Vice President, General Secretary and Finance Secretary.