The Megsta's ARCHIVED Guestbook

Welcome to The Megsta's ARCHIVED Guestbook! Feel free to look around! The idiots at Geocities made me use a new guestbook, so here are all the old entries. I was thinking of transferring all the old entries, but it is not working out too well. Those of you who were long winded got cut off in the process. So, look at the old posts here, and the check out the new guestbook by clicking the link at the bottom of the page. Thanks for stopping by!

Neil - 12/03/00 06:00:43
Why you came to this page: surfin'

It was a great bonding experience on Sat. nite. It was fun ...................... and stuff!!!! Good luck on your exam on Monday. You will do fine and get a 100. On the other hand Susan is another story, but there is not enough space at YAHOO. Susan is so cool and puts up with a lot of BS(Bachelor of Science). Do You Yahoo!

sal - 12/03/00 03:26:01
My Email:[email protected]
Why you came to this page: cause we all like meg

HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how are you? good. great. bye

The REAL Brett Stark - 11/23/00 23:49:48
My Email:[email protected]
Why you came to this page: To restore my good name after a certain someone who shall remain nameless (OOC!!) fraudulently signed this book in my name!!

HMMM...What is there that I can say about Meghan that hasn't already been said?? Her favorite episode of Law and Order is the one in which Claire Danes guest stars!(Big Surprise there!) Well...I know that she has good taste in pizza! Anna's in E Hartford is the best!!! Unfortunately though, I find her taste in Grocery Stores lacking!!! EDWARDS FOREVER! SHOP RITE IS A SECOND CLASS ORGANIZATION!! But really...Meghan is a great person! I am truly glad to count her amongst my friends. But as I am sure all of you know...She Can Get a Little Wild Sometimes!!!! Especially when seeing Counting Crows in Concert!!!! finally got me to sign this guestbook after months and months of pressure!! I will now grace this guestbook with some deep thoughts from the master....Neil Peart! If you know who this person is, You are AWESOME!! If not, run a search and find out dammit!!! OK Here we go: "How can anybody be enlightened? Truth is after all so poorly lit!" "If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice!!" "You can fight without ever winning, but never win without a fight!!!"

Chris, the Goddess from down the hall. - 11/02/00 02:35:18
My Email:[email protected]
Why you came to this page: Meghan told me to.

I would love to see more pictures of monkeys. You can never have too many monkeys. If I could have one thing in the world it would be a monkey house. But my monkeys would have tiny diapers on. Then the house wouldn't smell like the usuall monkey house And in the monkey house, there would be bannana everything. Bannana sandwiches, bannana juice, bananna chairs, even a bannana TV. And the monkeys could take the Bannana Corvette out for a spin if they were good. Yep. You can never have enough monkey . I hope to see more monkeys here in the future. Then this site would be "Gibbon" my best rating: 5 bannanas.

Trish - 10/02/00 12:01:33
My Email:[email protected]
Why you came to this page: To read Meg a poem

One fine morning
in the middle of the night,
Two dead boys got up to fight.

One was blind,
and the other couldn't see,
So they used a dummy as a referee.

Back to back
they faced each other.

Drew their swords,
and shot each other.

The deaf policeman heard the noise,
and came to kill the two dead boys!

trav again - 09/29/00 03:23:51
Why you came to this page: blah

meg, your site need pictures of me...and mike, and...cheese loving dogs...yeah, thats it...and put something interesting up there...none of that lame shit...jeez, i would have expected more from disappointing.

jenny - 09/26/00 02:48:10
Why you came to this page: meghan wrote it on my board

you crack me up megsta. i sent someone some crack.

Trish - 09/18/00 23:53:32
Why you came to this page: to read what Meghan's friends actually think of her

Sometimes I just like to sit in a tub full of warm chocolate pudding, brandy and contemplating the truly important things in life: like why chocolate? why not vanilla or even tapioca? I was thinking of switching to butterscotch, but I think that would e too tempting to eat and would distract my train of thought.

Brett Stark - 09/18/00 23:12:29
Why you came to this page: Megsta held me at gunpoint!

I don't like Meghan at all. I don't know why I came to this stupid homepage. I wish I never clicked the link on the e-mail that idiot Meghan sent me. Ok, I'm going to end this now, but I'm NOT HAPPY!

Jill Rowin - 09/18/00 22:42:00
My Email:[email protected]
Why you came to this page: cause Susan told me I had to

Meghan...I am signing your guest book! I look forward to seeing you when you do the corner chair dance for me. :)

Laura Bresh - 06/04/00 22:24:13
My Email:[email protected]

Hi Meghan I like your web page. I hope your summer is going well and that your softball season is also going well. Love, Laura

The A**man - 05/20/00 21:08:32
Why you came to this page: was forced into submission

I was forced to sign this "so-called" guest book. No Comments.

Mike Wilkosz - 05/19/00 18:46:27
My Email:[email protected]
Why you came to this page: to buy things

Keep up the good work Meghan

B-Doggy - 05/19/00 05:58:11
My Email:[email protected]
Why you came to this page: I had to avenge the editing death of Mr. Fatowski's comments

All of you suck. Bob had great material to share. you EDITED him which is wacked. So bye and thanks for knowing that first of all, and NOW IS ALWAYS THE BEST TIME FOR SELF IMPROVEMENT!!!

Alyson - 05/19/00 02:21:47
My Email:[email protected]
Why you came to this page: cuz the megsta is my bud!!!

yo megsta!!! its summer and i'm home so you gotta call me yo!yo! yo! I'm feeling weird so i got the thug vibe going on. keep it real yo!

Cheri - 05/18/00 15:57:20
My Email:[email protected]
Why you came to this page: I luv meg!!!!!Hehehehehe

What up meg, I have to go get food with Mike. Okay bye. Cheri

William Weidmann - 05/18/00 03:13:08
My Email:Wild Bill is God
Why you came to this page: Because someone likes you...

Wild Bill Is God...and Likes The Animals On Horsebarn Hill!!!

Susan Jeanne Milliken - 05/16/00 23:14:14
My Email:[email protected]
Why you came to this page: To get Meghan off my back!

Meghan, my so-called good friend, has requested that I sign her guestbook. So, before she freaks out and talks herself into believing that we aren't good friends, I AM SIGNING HER FREAKING GUESTBOOK. As Meghan is my very good buddy, I would never want t worry her, so here it is. HI, MEGHAN!!!! I HOPE YOU ARE A VERY "HAPPY" PERSON. You and I both know that NOW IS ALWAYS THE BEST TIME FOR SELF-IMPROVEMENT. hhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! Love, Susan

Kevin Chamberlin - 05/16/00 19:03:04
My Email:[email protected]
Why you came to this page: Because Meghan is a pharmageek!!!

Eddy - 05/16/00 00:12:26
My Email:[email protected]
Why you came to this page: because i was forced to

Shamira - 05/15/00 23:34:17
Why you came to this page: PRIMO : o )

Because Megsta is the BOMB roommate! Although at times seems a bit off from reality, that is what makes her....THE MEGSTA!!!!!

Heather - 05/15/00 21:02:54
My Email:[email protected]
Why you came to this page: A little birdie told me...

Another entry to add to your list. Sorry...I'm not feeling witty enough right now to write something even remotely interesting. Maybe another time.

Michele - 05/15/00 18:35:28
My Email:[email protected]
Why you came to this page: Cuz meghan is a Crack Whore!!

Sup Meghan. How YOU doin'? Finally your life is complete now that I signed your guestbook. I know you will cherish this moment forever.

Arti Ghei - 05/15/00 18:30:16
My Email:[email protected]
Why you came to this page: Because you told me to

You rock Meghan

Sue Zajkowski - 05/15/00 18:20:16
Why you came to this page: Meg held me at gunpoint until I signed this thing!

WHY AREN'T THERE ANY PICTURES OF ME HERE?!?! I practically lived in your room and there are no pictures of moi. :O( I'll miss stopping by your place! But, now it's on to the real world......

X trav X - 05/15/00 05:04:11
My Email:[email protected]
Why you came to this page: dude, this crazy bitch instant messaged me and made me sign her guestbook...i'm being held here against my will! AHHHHHHH!

i like cheese...ok, so this one day i was walkin down the road right? and i had just been to the cheese shop, and i had a bag full of gouda. so anyway, i'm comin to an intersection, and i start hearin these yipping sounds. right, so i thought i was near a dog pound or i just keep on walkin..when i round the corner of the intersection, what do i see comin at me but a pack of...CHEESE LOVING DOGS! anyway, these cheese loving dogs descended on me like a scourge, raping me of my gouda. They d voured it like crazed beasts, the cheese tried to flee, but the dogs'razor sharp cheese teeth tore through it like a knife through warm butter...after brutally mauling my innocent innocent cheese, the cheese loving dogs yipped their way back down the stre t from which they came, leaving me to mourn the loss of my cheese brethren all alone.

Maria Tammaro - 05/15/00 02:13:38
Why you came to this page: because meg asked me to

There's too much writing and the picture of south campus doesn't need to be up there. Have a nice day....... :)

Bob Fatowski - 05/15/00 01:56:07
My Email:[email protected]

These comments have been edited for the benefit of everyone who happens to come by this page.

Stacey Wong - 05/14/00 18:26:50
My Email:[email protected]
Why you came to this page: She made me do it...

Meghan is quite the interesting character.

Erika - 05/14/00 14:31:55
Why you came to this page: Meghan forced me to.

Megsta is the best!

Meghan - 05/14/00 09:25:14
My Email:[email protected]
Why you came to this page: Its my page!

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