Medjugorje (22 June)
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Last updated 6 October 2002


22 June 2000 (Day 3)

Feast of Corpus Christi

Ana, Monsignor Green and Father Joe led our group in climbing Mt. Podbrdo  (Hill of Apparitions) early in the morning. We stopped and prayed at the Blue Cross (where Mary sometimes appears to the young visionaries), and Monsignor blessed our brown scapulars. We prayed the Joyful and Sorrowful mysteries on the way up the hill.

As it was a feast day, the English mass is moved to 12 noon. The church is getting more crowded by the day, as the anniversary draws near.

Marija held a talk for pilgrims at 3.30pm, where she related Our Lady’s main messages.

Shumin and I then returned to Martin's house, and prepared for reconciliation.

There were long queues of penitents at the confessionals and at the side of the church. Thanks to Jesus for this wonderful sacrament. After reconciliation, Shumin and I sat at one of the benches in the open during the Croatian mass. Upon sharing our experiences later on, we both felt at that time a feeling of what Shumin describes as "a taste of Heavenly Peace". 

It was a beautiful evening. And just before Communion, the Croatian lady sitting next to Shumin tapped on her shoulders and told her to look at the sun. Shumin looked and started crying tears of joy. It was the miracle of the sun. As I tried to look, I thought the sun was just too bright. But on my second glance, I saw it too. It was a very special moment. And it was Corpus Christi Day too.

After praying the Glorious mysteries, Father Slavko led the pilgrims and local parishioners in a procession in honouring the Most Blessed Sacrament.  


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1406n05a_90.JPG (72859 bytes) Left: The blue cross.

Right: Mum patting the dog I called "Angel Dog". This dog accompanied us on our climb up Apparition Hill, leading the way for those who had difficulties with the climb.

1406n03a_75.JPG (43927 bytes)



1406n10a_90.JPG (84205 bytes) The very rocky and steep path up Podbrdo, the Apparition Hill.



1406n12a_90.JPG (60279 bytes) Praying at the apparition site. This is where Our Lady first appeared to the children. 1406n13a_90.JPG (63100 bytes)



1406n14a_90.JPG (40441 bytes) Shumin in deep prayer on the Apparition Hill.



1420n05_75dpi.JPG (39718 bytes) The long row of confessional boxes. This is located at the left side of the Church.

One of the 5 main messages of Medjugorje is "Monthly Confession".



1406n35a_90.JPG (22610 bytes) A beautiful sunset at Medjugorje.


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