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Pastor James Sell Gumede, Senior Pastor and founder of God Is Love Center Bible Church GLCBC. Born in Daveyton Benoni South Africa.

He is sent to equip and edify saints into the image of Jesus Christ impart vision that not only brings revelation but also a powerful reality of the abiding Christ within. It is his passion to see the saints understand and experience the power, life and personal transformation which is the answer to the world today. As a Pastor of this ministry he is called and anointed to deliver and bless the people of God through prayer, counseling and teachings both in and outside the spheres of the continent.

Pastor Gumede, Senior is an anointed and gifted minister in the area of healing, deliverance and miracles. He has changed a lot of lives in his community. A great conference speaker very powerful, highly respected humble servant of God With his rare anointing he touches many hearts of people from all cultural ethnic and religious background worldwide together with Apostle Thabile Morgan are currently working at planting churches throughout the continent.

Pastor Gumede, Senior is a pastor with his profound pastoral insight and ministry experience pastor Gumede. Senior has spoken prophetically to nations and a lot have been healed or delivered, made whole by the power of God man electrical Engineer and a father to 2 children, husband to Elder J S Gumede.
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