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Aposlte Thabile is an anointed and celebrated teacher in the area of church planting. An Apostle with a prophetic voice She holds firmly to the mandate in Mathew 28 that commissions all believers to go and teach all nations. A Pastor with her personal insight and ministry experience.

Apostle Thabile has a heart and passion to train and equip pastors for the work of ministry. Her deepest desire is to transcend cultural, generational and denominational boundaries bringing all people together.

A licensed minister and a teacher trains leaders and plant churches. Born in 1962 in Daveyton Benoni raised in a diverse family of Pastors where there was always a lively discussion of God and faith. A trained nurse, teacher, university graduate and a theology lecturer. Growing up in the politically turbulent 1970s has afforded her a spirit that is hungry for authenticity and sincerity.

She has searched and found God in unconventional places. She sees the Apostolic office as a calling to encourage and transform individuals and congregations. If we are seeking the salvation of the entire world we can begin our work by allowing God to sensitize us to the despair, heartache, poverty, selfishness and need for God's love that exist in our communities and the world over.

She believes that the greatest example of a miracle that we can witness today is the transformation of selfishness into compassion and self-righteousness into empathy She believes that what God says always come through She believes God is working through local churches to make these miracles happen, a vast articulate and an excellent preacher, she is noted for her unique style of delivery on the pulpit.

She preaches with great passion and illustration in an exclusive way a strong woman who has the leadership of a man. She is recognized for her courage and agility and unique ability to prepare men and women for leadership making them realize their potentials and purpose of existence. Highly esteemed woman of God, she believes that God is a present help for her and our God is a God of prosperity and wealth nobody that does the will of God would lack anything. God the father is the perfect example for all earthly fathers. He is holy, just and fair but His most outstanding quality is love.

A mother to six amazing children some biological and others adopted She believes that motherhood is the highest calling. Raising a person and guiding their early steps are the most important things that anyone can do whether man or woman.

Micah 6:8.What does the Lord require of you to do justice, love, mercy, and walk humbly with you. Amen
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