Hunger Strike 12-20 March 2002

The Strike

Posted by one of many people who regularly visit detainees at the centre - 13 March 2002:

Dear Friends,
You may have already heard this information, but I thought I'd best pass it on just in case.

I just spoke to Hossein Iran (Iranian detainee) at Maribyrnong and apparently ALL the detainees have been on a hunger strike since yesterday (Tuesday). They are protesting the continued infrigement of their basic rights. They are protesting about the banning of more and more of their visitors (such as Kristalo, Norman, Dr. Liz etc.). ACM is also NOT passing on faxes and documents to the detainees. Another issue is that detainees are not allowed to have any food in their rooms (or eat in their rooms), that has been given to them by visitors. They feel that restrictions are becoming worse, with no justification from ACM or DIMA as to why. From the stress in Hossein's voice, I think the detainees are all wearing pretty thin and the situation is unstable.

I hope you can use this information positively, if it is useful or appropriate.

In solidarity and best wishes -

The Outcome

Posted to RAC-Vic news 20 March 2002:

The hunger strikers at Maribyrnong have ended their hunger strike after 8 days. The concerns provoking the hunger strike are listed below, with the result. As you can see, there have been some significant wins, including banned visitors being allowed to visit again, the grassed outside area to be opened in 2 weeks, and food being able to be taken to rooms, so detainees can eat in the evenings if they are hungry.

So congratulations to the hunger strikers. It is terrible that they were driven to such desperate measures, but their struggle has led to real change and forced acknowledgement of them as human beings.




Due to inaccessibility of kitchen during evening, detainees requested that they be able to keep food in their rooms. Coke purchased from vending machines allowed in dorms but not if through visits and 2 litre containers not allowed.

Answer - sealed coke tins will be allowed in through visits, maximum 6 tins. Or one 2 litre bottle Snacks including biscuits will be allowed into the dormitories as long as it fits into the plastic containers which will be supplied by the kitchen for this purpose, as shown at the meeting.


Answer- Drain now cleaned.


Last time took one week to fix.

Answer- last time was waiting for spare parts, nothing we can do. They are fairly new machines.


Detainees said they often make requests or suggestions and nothing happens.

Answer- as discussed at the meeting detainees to select three detainees to represent them and there will be weekly meetings to discuss issues. These delegates will be supplied with a notebook for this purpose, and the questions supplied to these delegates by the detainees will be submitted to management on the day before the meeting and the questions answered on the day of the meeting when possible.


A coffee vending machine in games room would alleviate mess.

Answer- due to the high amount of vandalism the companies will not supply further machines. Detainees must be responsible for some of their activities including helping to keep areas clean.


Detainees asked when this would be used.

Answer- When the ground has been cleared and levelled, hopefully within two weeks.


Detainees asked about certain visitors who have been banned. Detainees expressed the importance of visitors to them.

Answer- Visitors who have committed minor breaches of the centre rules, will be reconsidered on written undertaking that they agree to abide by the MIDC rules and ensure that their visits are for the socialising, comfort and encouragement of detainees, and not for protests or interfering with other detainees visits.

We have to ensure that the visits remain a safe and secure environment where other detainees, visitors and staff can feel safe and secure.

Further or continued violations of MIDC rules will result in permanent bans.


Request for toys in visits area.

Answer- we will look at the possibility of this as the last toys in visits were destroyed.


Detainees stated food is tasteless, not properly cooked and often smelly.

Answer- meetings with the kitchen manager arranged for tuesday morning 11:00 when suggestions can be put forward and discussed.


Water was turned off yesterday due to a broken main.


Request for microwave in game room.

Answer- no.


Request that ACM managers be available each day to talk with detainees.

Answer- not possible due to the pressure of work however the arrangements quoted above will alleviate this, however urgent matters can be by detainee request forms, or approaching a manager when walking around.


Some services appear to be unavailable from these phones.

Answer- Rectified by Telstra.


Not being given on induction.

Answer- If one was not issued can be given on request from the property officer.


Request for clarification about who can read detainee private faxes.

Answer- Detainees may have access to a fax free of charge for sending a one page fax to DIMA, RRT, IRT, Federal Court, Legal or application assistance representatives UNHCR, HREOC, the Ombudsman and consular representatives. All other faxes should be paid for at a price of $1 per sheet.

Detainee faxes are not to be read by ACM staff other than to ascertain who they are for and the number of pages received.


Detainees concerned about access to doctors after hours. A specific incident was referred to and conversation heated. Mr McCormick asked Mr Baig to let others speak and said he thought he was a verbal bully and Mr Baig responded saying he believed Mr McCormick to be a bully.

Answer- Explanation given at the meeting and the processes in place. First reference is to the nurse.


Suggestion made that rather than hold a big meeting some representatives should meet with management to discuss issues and reach resolutions.

Answer- already covered above.

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