McNeil Thespian Society

Important Dates

As we approach the end of the year, here are the dates you want to know:
Point Deadline: April 15th
Initiation: May 11th through the 15th
Elections and Voting: May 21st
Banquet: May 22nd
Freshman Show: May 23rd at 7:00 in the Little Theatre


Everyone please turn your dues in to Kenny ASAP! Remember, $6 for MTS, $27 for those who have already initiated ($6 for the club, $21 for ITS). The following people have already paid--if there is a +21, you're lacking ITS money:

Gretchen Hahn, Andrew Johnson, Meaghan Hannon, JJ Bouchard, Sam Chen, Amy Donowho, Emily Eells, Nick Marino, Haley Archer-McClellan, Sally Stratmann, Zach Vaughn, Lucas Burns, Kristin Amann, Jessie Howard, James Jarrott, Chris Devery, Kenny Mitchell +21, Morgan Booksh +21, Hope Booksh +21, Lauren Huet.

Latest Website Updates

-Updated points, home page, scholarship page 04/13/09 -Updated points, home page 02/22/09

-Updated points, home page, "Now Showing" page, "Coming Soon" page 01/01/09

-Updated home page, "Coming soon" page, points 11/09/08

About MTS

MTS stands for the McNeil Thespian Society which, as of last year, is a part of ITS (the International Thespians Society). MTS is open to all students and teachers who show any interest in theatre, it is not just for people who like to act. Whether you like being on stage, being a stage manager, assistant director, work lighting, help with general tech, make costumes, do make-up, help design and build sets, or just enjoy watching plays and participating in our volunteer work, this club is for you. You don't even have to be in a theatre class to join!

Some of the things we are involved with are, of course, the school plays and musicals. We generally have one play in the fall and one play in the spring. Every other year our spring show is a musical. We also participate in UIL One Act which is a one act play we take to competition and are able to advance levels. Besides plays, we also help out with judging for the middle school tournaments and One Act competitions, TFA tournaments and competitions, Homecoming Hallway and Float contests, volunteer at the Texas Baptist Children's Home, and more!

MTS is such an awesome and fun club! We really want to increase our membership this year, so give it a try! Every meeting will be the second Thursday of every month unless for some reason we need to schedule or cancel one. Show up and support theatre!


Important Handouts
Point Sheets
Officer and Sponsor Contact


Now Showing...
Coming Soon...
Helpful Hints


Annual Events

Coffee House
Hairy Man Festival
Ice Breaker Party
UIL One Act


Production Shows
Hosted by