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Stephan Gatly on harry potter-2.9.2000

Stephan Gatly from boyzone will play

on the Movie harry potter. The part is 

small but the movie is big.  More news 



Latin Grammy -28.8.2000

Jennifer lopez will be cohost the first

Latin grammy awards. Jennifer will co-

host the award with Gloria Estefan. Some

of the nominees are:Enrique iglesias, 

christina aguilera,Jennifer lopez. and 

a preforments by N sync. 


Ricky comes back-28.8.2000

Ricky martin is going to release his new 

single  "she bang " in the 21 in semptember

but the date of the release of his new 

album is in the 14 of november. MTV already

prepare for the new single. they are gaonna 

do a weekend of ricky martin when the

new signle will be out in the MTV.



The new spice album will not be calld by 

the name "third time around" as we told 

you. The new album of the 4 girls will 

be calld "forever". the duble single will

be out next month in semptember. the 

name of the singles "holler" and "let love 

lead the way". 

thanx to "worldpop"


Everything about music-25.8.2000

Madonna's album "music" is goanna be out 

in stores in the 18 of semptember. one day after 

the album is goanna be out also in the u.s.a.

tow monthes ago the single "music" was published

in the internet in a bad qualeiy.The single "music"

will be out in stores in 21 of augost and it will

include the single plus 4 remixes. The remixes 

are out in the internet and you can download

the remix of hex hector in You can 

download the Groove Armada remix in,

Tracy Young remix in and Deep Dish

in  this is the order of the 

songs in madonna's album "music" :


"Impressive Instant"
"Runaway Lover"
"I Deserve It"
"Nobody's Perfect"
"Don't Tell Me"
"What It Feels Like For A Girl"
"Paradise (Not For Me)"
"American Pie" (world version)
"Cyberraga" (japan version)

Music out in the u.k-24.8.2000

The new Madonna videoclip "Music" is out in U.K.

we think the new single is goanna be in the seconed

place next to spiller that is on the first place. you 

can't see the full video on the mtv. we don't know 

yet where you can see the full video.  Maddona is also

planing a tour that is goanna start in israel. and the 

album is goanna be out in semptember or october

with alot of other single and albums like the spice girls

,Robbie Williams,janer Jackson and many moore.


T-boz getting married-23.8.2000

T.L.C member , Tionne T-boz Watkins

is getting married to the rapper mak 10.

his real name is D'Mon Rolison. 

T-boz is getting married but nothing 

from tlc. in monthes tlc didn't release

no album or single, and their last single 

was "dear lie". will wait for their new 

single to come out.


Britney saved from death-22.8.2000

Britney was shoping in a mall yota and

bought clothes for a consert that she  

was goanna preform in 6 hours later.

When Britney went out of the mall their 

was a lot of shooting and as her song say

she was lucky and preformed in the 

consert, with the song "Lucky".

The lucky britney spears

Fifth member join to the venga party-21.8.2000

The vengaboys are a 4 people band but not

for lonf. There is kim (the lead singre), danice,

roy and yorik. the offical website of the vengaboys

says there is gonna be a fifth member of the 

band but we don't know who is the fifth member.

there would be more details coming soon.

to the vengaboys official  website 


Aqua release the bumble bees-20.8.2000

Aqua release few days ago their latest single

"bumble bees". the single got in the europian 

chart and other charts. the single is their third 

single from their new album "Aquarius". the

idea of the video is ideas for the video , it start 

with animetion and ends with a play with aqua

also about bumble bees. today at the movie reviw 

is the new aqua album. 

Christina aguilera with a new album-17.8.2000

Christina aguilera will release her new album in 

12 of semptember. the album will be all spanish.

their will be 6 new songs and 5 from her first album. 

the new album name is "mi reflejo" . Christina 

is going back to the studioto record a new album

that is in english. she will start recording in the 

beging of the year 2001.


All saints with black coffee-17.8.2000

All saints finished working about their new 

single, the single will be in their new album like 

pure shores . the name of the new single is 

"black coffee". the single will be out in the second

of october and the new album will be out in the end 

of the year. 


A*teens-without Abba-17.8.2000

The A*teens are working on a new album

the album is goanna be with their own music 

and it seems like "the Abba generation" is over.

A*teens were the warm up band of N sync and

now they are working with britney spears as

her warm up band.

Texax-the end-16.8.2000

Texas is gonna release in october a new album 

and their last album .the album will be with their 

greatest hits. after they will release their album 

they are goanna spilt and every one will go his 

way. Texas-the end.


Happy birthday to Madonna-16.8.2000

Maddona had her birthday today, she is 42 years 

old now, the date of her birthday is very close to her 

son rocko birthday.  Maddona, happy birthday


Emma-new album-16.8.2000

Emma banton (baby spice) is working on her next 

album. Emma said she finished recording 18 songs 

for the album and she is going to look what songs 

she likes and what songs she doesn't. her new album 

will include pop, dance and a little RnB. the first single

without the spice will be releaced in januar.

Eminem mother-new single-15.8.2000

Debbie mathers, Eminem mother is gonna release

in the 13 of semptember. the single name will be 

"why are you doing this to me. the single is gonna

talk about eminem (real name:marshall) . the trial

about the the words in "my name is " is still on 

procoss. check the radio in 13 of semptembe if 

your on america and you could hear a new discovery.

Mel B-the new album-14.8.2000

Mel B new solo single is "tell me"  from her solo album

that is calld "hot" the album include 11 songs

and  "tell me" is the second song in the album, it's gonna

be an RnB album, it's her secnd solo album. the firs                      One Mel of an album  

was "world up" . the new single will be on the mtv next

week and then you can see if it's good or not. soon you could 

also download the song from here if you like the song.



Fay going solo-14.8.200

Fay from "steps" wrote some songs and she 

destited that it's not worth to waist them on 

steps, so she desited that she going solo for

the songs, she didn't say nothing about leaving 

the band and it doesn't look like she's gonna 

leave steps.


Garbage is back in the studio-13.8.2000

The lead singer of the band  said that they are gonna

be back in the studio in a few weeks to do their next 

album that is also their third album. the band even

talked to the people that visit their website about 

the third album. but it will take time till we will hear it.


Puff  is a daddy-13.8.2000

Jennifer Lopez, puff daddy girlfriend for over a year

now, wants him to puff to be a dady and have her children.

 more news about it will be soon. more news about 

Jennifer. Jennifer is working on her second  album,

the album name will be "passion" it will come out in a 

few month, till then we got her new single from  the 

first album  "let's get loud". 


Rocko Ritchi-12.8.2000

Maddona had the birth of her son earlier then the 

expected , the lucky son name is Rocko, and he was 

born an american boy, Maddona said that she wont 

take a break from the tour beacouse

of her birth . (yeah right)


Madonna - tour and music-11.8.2000

Madonna has release her first single from her new 

album that she's working on. the first single is "music"

it's not like any singles she don b4, the single has more

techno on it, but somtimes techno isn't good. pople are 

that from all the singles that she don before this one 

will not enter the first place, but the single did in some 

country . Maddona is going on a tour soon . the tour will 

start in the country of israel. 



spice new album-10.8.2000

The Spice Girls finish recording thir new album,some people 

say it will be calld "third" and some say it will be "third time 

around" the new album of the spice will be out in america

in the 6 of november and their first single from the album 

"let love lead the way" and "holler holler" will be out in 

september. next month .

Spears and Eminem join the music aword 9.8.2000

Britney Spears and Eminem have joined previously 

announced performers 'NSync, Rage Against the Machine, 

and Janet Jackson for the 2000 MTV Video Music Awards 

in New York City in September.

Britney and Aharon on tour-8.8.2000

Britney spears is gonna be in the next tour of  Aharon Carter

 (Nick Carter younger brother) the tour is gonna help him 

promote his next album. Aharon is also gonna be in Britney's 

tour at this days.


Chat with Victoria Adams and Dane  Bowers-6.8.2000

you can chat with Victoria Adams and Dane Bowers in  dutmusic

Victoria and Dane will talk to their fans in the 11 of august 

from 11 pm till 1 pm 


The soul train of Destiny's Child-5.8.2000

Destiny's child has recived  three nominations for the "sou Awards 2000"

the are nominated for best soul/RnB single with the song "say my name"

they are also nominated for soul rap single (also) with the single "say my name" and their third nomination is for best album with thir new album 

"the writerings on the wall".  Also up for awards are TLC, Trin-I-Tree, Mary Mary, Macy Gray, Jennifer Lopez and Lauryn Hill while the Arethra Franklin Award for entertainer of the year will go to Toni Braxton.


New album-Janet jackson-4.8.2000

Janet Jackson is gonna release soon her new album ,with her new

 single that is also a soundtrack for "the nutty profesor 2" the song 

name is "Doesn't really matter". Janet jackson tells that her new      

album is gonna be happy and lighter.


Mel B is working on her acting career-02.8.2000

scary spice is working on a new movie after she sew her spice 

frineds doing movies. Emma with sleeping beauty and victoria

 and old spice geri hallowiel. we couldn't got the name of the movie 

but soon we would put the name (when we will find out what is it.


Williams ,Robbie Williams-02.8.2000

robbie williams could be the next 007. it's not for 

sure but till now it seems like he will be james bond 

of year 2001. 76% of the people that were asked if Robbie 

is good for the part said "yes" and the other 24% said "no".



New single for ricky martin-01.8.2000

ricky martin finish filming his new single from  

his second world album, the single name is " she bang" 

you could see it on 12 of semptember.


Mel b:new album-31.7.2000

Mel b will releas her new album next mounth with her first single

 from  the album-"hot", the spice girls are also gonna release a new 

single (a dubble single). they finished filming the first video

 "let love lead the way" and they will be filming very soon the next single-"holler holler". the spice girls third album :

"third time around" will be released in november or october.


britney online-31.7.2000          

britney speears finshed filming her new single                                                     

from her seconed album. the single name is

 "lucky" track 7 on her album. you can

 also see the new video before it will be on the mtv.

 you can see the video in the website of msn but it's not in the 

best qualety.  


  new album and single for melanie c-30.7.2000

Sporty spice Melanie c is just don't stop working , in this days she released her 4th single from her first solo album "northon star" the name of the new single is "I turn to you" and another a mounth she will relese her 5th single "if that were me", she also started working on her second solo album, "coming back home". for now the songs from the album that we know abput are: "left out"(this song is gonna talk about geri), "invisible","slep your face(and tell me if it hurt)" and "sky"  that is gonna talk about J from five. melanie also want to do a duets,the duet could be with:brien adams, maddona .


    Britney 's getting merried -30.7.2000     

The famouse pop singer Britney spears is gonna marry justin from Nsync.justin asked her to meet him in some coffee place , and then he poped a 45,000 dolar ring and asked her to marry him,she said yes. (we don't know anything about it yet, for now  we don't know if it's true).


new videos-30.7.2000                                

Five released their new single "We will rock you". the song is a duet with Queen that is taken from their album "Incincible",their not the only one that released a new single this week. Robbie williams finished filming his new single "Rock DJ ". people say that is a whole diffrent style of Robbie and, but now you can see it yourself. 

and at last victoria adams is doing a solo song (it's actually a duet with the truesteppers and dane from another level,but it is her first song without the spice girls ). The name of the video-clip is "Out of your mind" it a diffrent style of her.(that's what i think) But it's still a graet song.


new discovery-30.7.2000

Girl thing, the frash girl bend on M.T.V., many people say they are like the spice girls (i think that their music style are very diffrent), but you are welcome to see their first single

"Last one standing" .  for now we have no information about the album.      



You'v propebly heard about the new movie :x-men.

the movie maked over 26 milion dolars' on the first week.

the movie is with the characters :wolverine,cyclope,jean gray,rog and storm. the missing characters are :joby ly,beast

and gambit. there will be a continu molvie :x men part 2 and

also x-men part 3. 



Last update: 19/09/00

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