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Dear Dr. Isibor:   

As per your request, I have attached the deposit certificate, as well as a scanned copy of my passport. The consignment code is ABJ/ECO/O411/O2.   

To be frank, sir, I am a little surprised at some of your questions.  For someone who has had enough education to obtain a doctorate, I would have assumed you knew that Isengard was in the United Kingdom.  Can I ask what you received your doctorate in?   (Much like in the Hargrove correspondence, "Dr." Isibor never does get around to saying just what he received his doctorate in)

My residential address is almost the same as the business address, just remove "Administrative Offices" and replace with "Penthouse".  And to reiterate, I do not use the phone or fax, I switched to palantir, and have not regretted it yet.  What benighted country hasn't started using palantir yet?   

A final sticking point:  I do not use Western Union. They were indirectly responsible for the death of an acquaintance of mine, and have yet to admit their culpability.  I shall dispatch the money by Uruk-Hai as I mentioned previously.   


S. White 
Orthanc Towers

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