7/14/03:As you can see our site has been going though some updates and I'm gonna start on the GCN News today. : )

7/6/03:Well, i guess this site hasnt lost its luster yet. i really need you guys to tel us what you want. just take the time to email me. its not hard. i do know that we need stuff badly, because this site is losing speed. see you guys-justin

7/05/03:Visit the message boards, and why you ask? Because we would like to get a community started and you can report ideas for this site there thanks! And yes they are free! All ya have to do is sign up also we will start bringing Gamecube news to the site.

7/04/03:First update in like three months! Well I just got rid of that flash so people could still view the main page. And I don't think there'll be much more updates if any....umm see ya.

4/10/03: My good friend
Dan gave me a linky to his site, so if u like Black thorn check it out. If you dont like Black thorn check it out anyways.-Ryan

4/8/03: wow its been a while huh? Well check out the TYS-Ryan

3/4/03: Sorry for the huge lack of updates, but my schoolwork and stuff like that is interfering with this. Don't worry, its not going offline, put down the pitchforks and torches! It's just that with school,(and the upcoming release of Wind Waker! ^_^)that its becoming harder and harder to keep it going. Oh yeah, dont forget to sign our Guestbook! Thats all for now.-JustinAnd were going to do the megaman page! >=P

2/11/03: Fixed the problem. Also pretty much redid the intro. Doesnt freeze anymore!-Justin

2/8/03:We have a flash intro but it plays funny. sometimes it freezes in the middle, sometimes it doesnt. if you know what the prob is, please email us.

2/7/03:Guess who's back...back again. Well I'm gonna do some major updating. -Your Panzer Dragoon God.

2/4/03: I put up a 1337 dictionary. why? i dont know. shouldnt we be doing the megaman page? shut up.-justin

Got any info that would help the site contact [email protected] or [email protected] thanks!
News and Updates
Welcome to the
If you have any tips for MSML, PLEASE email me at [email protected]. We REALLY need more things here. we just dotn have too much of anything of great interest. anything you would like to see here you just ask me and well put it up. if you want we will make a contibuter page with all peoples names who gave us things to put up. the first 10 people to email us will be able to have there names bolded, their own custom sprite next to their names, email address, home page, sn, etc. anything they want.
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