
by L. Sith

Chapter 7: The Visitor

Two weeks had passed by in a blur. It was now spring in Kyoto and love was in the air, or more precisely, lust was everywhere. It was no longer even possible to walk about the Shinsengumi headquarters without tripping over lovebirds hiding in the most absurd of places. Hijikata had better reconsider his policy and allow women in the barracks, or risk idiots turning every nook and cranny throughout the compound into makeshift hotel rooms. And in truth, Saitoh had no idea why those idiots bothered to hide; everyone knew what they were up to - so hang up a sign, that way at least, innocent pedestrians could safely avoid them. Furthermore, the mixers had drawn to a close, and the wedding bells had been ringing so hysterically since, he wondered if some fool had broken it. Everyday, a different wedding invitation arrived, and because Hijikata had ordered the captains to attend all the ceremonies, Saitoh was forced to clear his calendar for the next six months. Moreover, additional courtships continued, probably leading to even more weddings, which meant he would never have time to do anything useful again. Why couldn't all the fools just get married at once and save everyone the trouble? All the participants were going to show up in uniforms anyways - the Shinsengumi haori for the men and the white kimono for the women - who would notice the difference?

To top it all, his duties had lacked the grace to sail smoothly on. Eight hours of listening to politicians talk, on the same topic everyday, could turn a man permanently stupid. If those idiots would only shut up and do something useful, instead of conjuring up reams of impractical plans, the Ishin would have ceased to be a problem long ago. He used to think that Tokio had no common sense, but compared to those morons, she was a genius. And those politicians' honor guards weren't any better, they were chosen neither for their brains nor swordsmanship - no wonder the Ishin had such success with assassinations.

In short, the assignment had slowly turned into hell for him.

But even more so for Kondo.

Saitoh had already had two run-ins with the other delegations, and after each one, he could feel Kondo's blood pressure soaring. Hijikata must either be an idiot for assigning him to this task, or the man had a bone to pick with Kondo. Saitoh wished that Kondo would exercise the authority to countermand Hijikata and release him from this misery. But unfortunately, his two commanders were notorious for presenting a "united front", so any hope of freedom was slim.

Nonetheless, he continued to hope - there was nothing else to do while those politicians gibbered.

Saitoh pushed his musings aside as he and Kondo came to a stop by a roadside noodle shop for lunch. They had abruptly ceased dining with the other politicians after another honor guard had challenged him to a death duel over an insult at a luncheon. He couldn't help but to laugh into the man's face. It didn't help matters.

And so here they were, at an ordinary restaurant, eating while the entire wait staff stared at their every move. It was one of the reasons why most Shinsengumi ate at their headquarters despite the bad food. But since the headquarters was too far away, he had to satisfy himself with consuming his soba in silence.

"Kondo-sama, Kondo-sama, please help my lady!" A peasant woman shouted while running into the restaurant. She fell to her knees before their table.

Which caused both he and Kondo to turn and stare at the woman's bowed head in surprise. Most civilians avoided the Shinsengumi like the plague and even the highborn feared them, he couldn't remember the last time anyone appealed to them for help.

"Who is your lady? And what help can we render?" Kondo asked kindly.

The woman raised her head to reply.

And Saitoh immediately had a really bad feeling about the whole thing - the woman was Tokio's maid.

"My lady is Takagi Tokio, sir." She said.

And Kondo instantly seemed to recognize the name. But of course, the "woeful tale of the abducted maiden" had been the prime topic in the Shinsengumi headquarters for the past two weeks, Kondo had to be dead not to have heard it.

"The master of my house has been sent away on business by the orders of the daimyo," the maid continued in a pitiable voice, "my lady is left all alone with no male relatives to guard over her welfare - "

Kondo smiled down benevolently, "Then I shall send Captain Saitoh to protect her."

Saitoh nearly choked. He couldn't believe that Kondo had just ordered him to protect a nonessential civilian from her own follies - what an even bigger waste of time than listening to senseless speeches from idiotic politicians. His month had been plummeting steadily, but he refused to end up somewhere below hell. There was no way he was going to suffer Tokio's company again. "Over my dead body!"

"Which could be arranged." Kondo said in quiet chastisement.

And Saitoh immediately bowed his head in deference. He silently cursed himself for allowing the idiot to incite him into challenging his commanding officer in public. Thank heavens he wasn't with Hijikata.

"Tell me captain," Kondo resumed in a more genial tone, "why are you so opposed to protecting Takagi-san?"

"Because she's a criminal, sir, and -"

"No, she's not!" The maid jumped hotly to Tokio's defense. "My lady might have had your sword in her hand, but it refused to come out!"

The maid ended her pronouncement at top of her lungs, and Saitoh nearly forgot to breath out of shock. Around him, the restaurant had become absolutely silent, every eye in the vicinity focused on him. And it didn't help that Kondo's jaw had dropped almost to the floor

"It is not what it sounds like." Saitoh grated out when he eventually found his voice again. But that left him with only the truth, and he could hardly tell Kondo that he had allowed Tokio to draw his katana.

"It was not her fault - " the maid continued in Tokio's defense.

But Saitoh had no intention of letting her finish. Who knew what else might spill out of that idiot's lips? He needed to get rid of her. Immediately. Before Kondo could recover from the shock and question her further.

"I will protect Takagi-san as ordered, sir." Saitoh gave Kondo a hasty salute before grabbing the maid by the arm and hauling her out of the restaurant - a task that should have been simple if the idiot hadn't insisted on fighting him every step of the way.

"But ... but ..." The maid yelled in protest.

Saitoh Saitoh didn't even pause. He half dragged and half carried her all the way to the Takagi estate. He knew he should have killed Tokio and her entire household when he had a chance. Those two morons! Rumors about him would undoubtedly be circulating all over Kyoto by sunset. Maybe it wasn't too late to correct his mistake; Tokio's head would make a nice paperweight on his desk.

Except he now had orders, from both of his commanders, to keep the girl alive. How did Tokio manage that? Most of Kyoto's officials had less protection from the Shinsengumi.

Nonetheless, he would get her somehow - it was simply be a matter of timing and strategy, both of which, he was a master at.

So there was no way she would outwit him again.

Saitoh stopped at the front gates of the Takagi estates and pounded on the wooden doors. Perhaps, instead of killing Tokio, he could just relieve her of a few body parts. After all, if he cut off her tongue, it would prevent her from saying something stupid and getting herself killed. So he would just be guarding her more encompassing interests, wouldn't he?

But before he could formulate a plan to convince Kondo and Hijikata of the correctness of his analysis, the wooden gates of the Takagi estate swung slowly open, and amid its doorway, stood the object of his ire, staring and gaping at him like a frog.

If only he had brought flies with him, he could have commemorated the occasion by stuffing them down her throat.

"My lady!" The maid exclaimed and fought against his grip.

And he simply let her go. Those idiots had nowhere to run.

But that didn't prevent the maid from acting like a headless chicken with her feathers on fire. The moron raced towards Tokio, grabbed the other woman's arm, and hurried both of them into the estate.

Which was precisely the wrong move for their tactical situation.

Saitoh sneered and leisurely followed those two inside. He closed the heavy wooden gates behind him, barring their only source of escape and effectively trapping them like helpless kittens inside a cage reigned by a very hungry wolf.

Come here, kitty, kitty.

Saitoh advanced towards the maid.

Neither Hijikata nor Kondo said anything about protecting that headless chicken, so he could do whatever he wanted. Of the two, she would be the easy one to break, and he had no doubt he could get her to scream nicely for him, in some dark corner out of Tokio's sight, where he planned to use the idiot to manipulate Tokio's fears until they became full blown nightmares.

At which time, Tokio would be ripe for the plucking.

And the beauty of it all was he could have complete victory without touching a hair on Tokio's head.

Saitoh smirked and reached for victim number one.

But at the last minute, Tokio threw herself between him and the maid. "Don't you dare to hurt Reiko-chan, we've got help coming."

"But my lady," the maid wailed, "he IS the help!"

"Don't tell him that!"

"I wasn't telling him, I was telling you!"

And upon the frustrated and the panic stricken look on Tokio's face, Saitoh burst out laughing. The maid had turned out to be more dangerous as an ally than an enemy. Too bad for Tokio. Nonetheless, the maid had done such a good job advancing his cause he almost considered letting her off the hook.

That was until she decided to open her mouth again, at which time he was ready to reward her for her collaboration. "I didn't know Kondo-sama was going to send Saitoh-sama, my lady, I swear I didn't." The maid whined to Tokio, talking a mile a minute. "But I couldn't find Miyamaki-sama anywhere! You always told me to improvise, so when I heard that Kondo-sama was eating at this noodle shop, I improvised and went to him instead. I swear I only said to Kondo-sama what you told me to say to Miyamaki-sama. I know you hate Saitoh-sama. But you said we should fight fire with fire, and you've always called Saitoh-sama the biggest monster of them all, so I'm sure you'll make him useful somehow. You always do think of something!" The maid finished her little monologue with a beatific smile on her face.

But Tokio, on the other hand, looked like she was ready to faint. After all, insulting a samurai was grounds for immediate execution, and she knew it. He could see how close she was on the verge of a breakdown. All she needed was a little encouragement from him.

Oh, he was having such a good day.

"Called me a monster did you." He said mildly, which usually eroded his enemy's defenses faster than any display of rage. Fear paralyzed, so those in fear only knew where to jump when faced with the right cues. But when faced with the wrong cues, like Tokio was, they looked for guidance, any sort of guidance, in the hopes of finding an escape. Therefore, all he had to do was slowly guide Tokio into complying with his every whim.

Who knew it was going to be this easy? He had beaten her, and all that was left, was for her to acknowledge his superiority. "Why don't you start begging?" He whispered into Tokio's ear.

And he could see his suggestion working its way into her brain. Her knees began to look too weak to support her. Surrender would come at any minute now.

Victory was so close at hand he could taste it.

But at that crucial moment, a loud pounding came from the front gate.

And it annulled everything he had labored so hard for. He had seemed forgotten as the two women focused their attention on the new intruder.

Saitoh turned and growled at the unseen enemy beyond the gates. Which idiot dared to snatch his victory from him?

Not that he cared. He had no intention of letting anyone delay his revenge. Tokio could go and answer the door after she properly begged for his forgiveness.

However, when he returned his attention to the two women, he found them hiding behind him and looking up at him with bright shining eyes. Like he was their savior.

It set his teeth on edge.

He had wanted to be feared, not adored.

But before he could straighten the two women out, the pounding came from the gates again, and this time, it was accompanied by boorish snarling. "You will f*** open the door now!"

Such eloquence, no matter the women wanted nothing to do with the idiot. In fact, the idiot's words sent the women sidling so close to Saitoh they risked looking like Siamese triplets.

Which was exactly what he did not want.

The idiot had ruined his plan for revenge beyond salvage, and Saitoh intended to make that loudmouthed moron pay for it.

As soon as someone would open the gates and let the idiot in.

"Aren't you going to get the door?" Saitoh asked the maid.

And the girl started wailing.

A response he interpreted to mean 'no'. So he turned to Tokio instead, and was about to make her open the door when he noticed her eyeing his daisho pair with a very determined look, almost as if she planned to "borrow" the blades again.

Great. He had somehow gotten himself stuck with a maid that won't answer the door, and a "lady" that didn't behave like any woman he had ever met.

What was wrong with everyone in the Takagi household?

More than that, who had managed to scare these two women so badly that the maid risked her life begging help from a Shinsengumi commander?

But whoever it was, the loudmouthed idiot sounded like a man whose face he would enjoy rearranging.

Time for someone to pay for his misery.

Saitoh marched up to the door.

He yanked it open.

And suddenly, everything made sense.

"Hello, Takeda-kun." Saitoh said through clenched teeth.


Next Chapter: Afternoon Tea

Special thanks to Kamorgana for beta-reading.


Japanese terms:

Daisho - The long and short sword pair samurais wear.

Haori - The overcoat wore by Japanese men








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