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SMAN Sumatera Selatan (Sampoerna Academy) has different way to make bonding of the students. One of the ways is by house. Rhino House!, one of the nine houses that we have in this school. It is an incredible house. We share each other, enjoy our life together whether it is in sadness or happiness.

Win Today, Win Tomorrow. The motto we have, it is a principle for our house. We make improvement together, leave no behind and thusly, improve together, build character together, and accomplish everything we attempt to do.

As we live in dormitory, we also have parents, called House Parents. They are Ibu Erma, Pak Nanang, Bunda Ambar, Ibu Eti, Ibu Neti, and Ibu Nana. They have a role as our parents in this school, so if we have something that needs to be shared, we can come to them. Also, the house parents that have been retired, they are Ibu Layla and Mbok Indri and still be our parents now.

Each year we have new members for Rhino House. Now it’s 4th generation already. Let just explain one by one. In the first generation that have been graduated, they are Kak Dim, Mak Pe’, Babe Hacker, Nyak Ayu, Teteh Fara, Kak Wi’, Kak Musche, Kak Je, and Kak Pandhu. Second generation, Bapak Fikri, Mbak Tira, Apa Ambok, Ama Winong, Kak Lilis, Kak Arik, Kak Ocha, Brotha Wanda, Kak Dimon, Kak Riyadh, and Alm. Kak Baqda. Third generation, Baklam, Makne, Widong, Abi, Sri, Abang Martin, Puspa, Abang Fredy, Debong, Alief, and Etci. Fourth generation, Dessy, Dita, Sinta, Raras, Cindi, Oliv, Terra, Ragil, Aldi, Alfian, Sule’, and Zul. Although, we have different talent and characters, but that make us unique and solid family.

As we have nine houses in our school, we have so many activities to do, such as competitions, gardening, Community and Service (CAS), house gathering, camp, etc. We usually have some competitions in some special days, such as Independence Day, House Meeting, Kartini’s Day, Heroes Day, and many other competitions. In some competitions, Rhino had gotten the winner. First, we got the General Winner of House Sport Day 2012. We won the First Winner of Futsal Competition, and the second winner of Basketball Competition for Boys. The first winner of Volleyball Competition and the first winner of Basketball Competition for Girls, and with those achievements, the General Winner automatically came to Rhino House.

Second, we won some trophies in Bulan Bahasa Days Competition. We were the Second Winner of Pantun Competition, First Winner of Writing Essay, and some others. Besides joining some competitions, we had another fabulous activity here. We usually have gardening once a week, we come to our garden, watering the plants, chatting, joking, laughing, and enjoying the nice evening scenery. We have many kind of plants, such as eggplant (terong), pandan, etc. But, eggplants had been our identity since we won the Best Garden in 2012. Our plants grew well, especially eggplant. School also held the Best Garden Competition by observing which house that passed the requirements and categories. Finally, with all that achievements, Rhino House became the Best House in 2012. We got medal, certificate, and trophy of the best house of the year.

In 2012, we also had some camp, Leadership Camp and Solo Camp. Leadership Camp is the camp for ten graders to shape their leadership skill, collegiality, respect, responsibility, and their habit. However, Solo Camp is the camp for eleven graders to shape their survival. We should survive by living naturally, without any supporting tools. Then, we have Community and Service (CAS) Program. It’s a regular program held by school. Here, we should make a program that will give some advantages for our community and environment. Last year, we have done in 2012, we felt happy because we had success in some competitions and activities, then we are ready to give our supreme effort for this year together.

Rhino House!

Win Today, Win Tomorrow!