Rambo II
This is the second intallment in the Rambo trilogy and for quite a few reasons, the superior one. Stallone plays John Rambo, a Vietnam vet who has had his share of bad luck. In the previous movie, he ends up in prison for blowing up a Canadian town. In this installment, he get the mission that will get him a pardon and clear his name. He goes back to Vietnam to recon a former POW camp. Is this not a set up or what?
Low and behold, the aforementioned POW camp is not exactly empty. For some reason, the Vietnamese have kept some POWs hanging around, probably to characterize them as evil. Rambo finds this out and is not amused. He frees one of the prisoners and they make a mad dash for a waiting helicopter. But, Rambo's superiors think that it would look bad if the USA left people behind. So, they tell the helicopter to leave them. Rambo is less amused. He drops his now empty assault rifle and glares menacingly at the sky. The next time we see Rambo, he is in a pit of animal waste and mud, submerged to his neck and chained to a yoke at the wrists.Then, the Russians show up. The Russian officer arrives all menacingly Soviet and walks over to the pit where Rambo wallows and motions to the Vietnamese guard to "Bring him up," (which they do and the Russian flicks a few leeches off Rambo's dangling body). They clean Rambo up and return him his pants and then lead him in for a primlinary interrogation with our Russian friend with a piano wire about his neck and bound hands. The Russian talks to Rambo and basically tells him that they're going to torture him and execute him, to which Rambo replies with a stoic curse. Then, they strap him to an old bed frame and hook it up to electricity, giving Rambo a shocking time. Eventually, Rambo's Vietnamese girlfriend shows up with weapons and breaks him out. Eventually...:)
The Story ...
The Capture ...
The Rating
This is a definite keeper. The scene is long and Sly stoically suffers through much of it. The villan is terrific and even comes with an evil henchman. It's believable and at the same time a bit fantastic. Sly loses his clothing when they drop him in the pit and only gets his pants back. He looks good in this movie. One of the better ones...
The pluses ...
The minuses ...
No significant dislikes. Just good old fashioned, POW violence. Sly doesn't get off easy, but just a few "woulda liked to see"s... like the actualy capture. He drops his gun and next thing you know, he's in a pit o' mud. It's also obvious that the Russians had been electrocuting him long before the camera entered. Other than those, no complaints!
Overall rating: 19
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