Cold Harvest
Post apocalyptic story time. There has been a horrible calamity that has befallen civilization forcing humankind to live on a low-budget movie set. Gary is out to avenge his brother's death who was conveniently enough played by Gary as well. His brother was killed a mean Bryan Genesse and that irriated Gary, so he goes out to find him.
Gary meets up with his brother's ex and they go off � la three little pigs to seek their revenge. One night at a hotel, Bryan Genesse and his evil mob arrive and nab Gary because they're mean. But, who really cares about the story in this movie? They nab him in his hotel room and drag him downstairs. The next scene has Gary tied to a gate behind which they have placed some razor wire. Evil Bryan then kicks Gary and he gets smashed into the razor wire. Be blows some smoke at Gary and taunts him and gives him several good hits until Gary's back is hacked up and he passes out.Then they let him go so that he can come after them later for no reason that I can fathom except that the script said so.
The Story ...
The Capture ...
The Rating
Well, I'll confess a prejuidice here. I think that Gary is freakin' hot, so this movie pretty much started off as a ten. Add a few more points becuase the torture is creative and then a few more for malevolence and violence of the beating and a few more for Gary's reactions, which are first rate. Did I mention that he's a 100% grade A in my book? Seeing this great piece of man get the crap knocked out of him is pretty nice...
The pluses ...
The minuses ...
Ok, now we subtract points. A few for the brevity of the scene. A few for the stupidity of letting Gary go. They could have dragged him about a bit or had a fight. And minus points because he gets his shirt back. Kinda. But, since Gary is a hottie, we'll still say that this is a good one.
Overall rating: 15
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