The Punisher
Dolph plays an ex-cop whose family was slaughtered in some underwold nastiness and so Dolph becomes The Punisher in this eponymously titled film. Dolph does battle with a group of ninja-esque villans and an a corrupt police force. He's out to stop their evil doings no matter the (remarkably high) body count.
Dolph goes to fight a troupe of the ninja people on his motorcycle. They throw a chain into the spokes and Dolph goes flying to the ground as the bike takes off the other direction. Dolph puts up a valliant fight but eventually succumbs to a round-house kicking female ninja who knocks him out. Then, light comes up and you see that Dolph's hands have been shackled. Dolph is now shirtless and spead out on a table with his hands above him.Enter the mean Asian dominatrix/crime mistress who is none too pleased with the effects that Dolph's antics have had on her little criminal empire. She asks Dolph how much pain he thinks he has earned to which our Swedish studmuffin replies "Is the question true false or multiple choice?" Then she says "Neither" and presses a button to activate the engine on what turns out to be a nifty electronic rack. Dolph isn't about to spill anything and that's ok 'cause our villan seems to like watching Dolph's abs strain. Then, she announces that she has other places to be evil and departs leaving instructions to keep Dolph alive much longer than he cares to be.
The Story ...
The Capture ...
The Rating
It's Dolph. He seems to make movies so that he can get tied up or tortured. I love him. And this is one his finer moments. He grunts and gasps as the electronic rack pulls his lovely body taught. He tries to hide his pain and take it but suffers none the less. You actually believe that Dolph is being tortured. He looks beat up and bruised. The rack has a remote control. Cause Dolph pain with the push of a button. How can you not love that?
The pluses ...
The minuses ...
There really aren't any. I don't even mind when Dolph gets away. This is first-rate stuff.
Overall rating: 20
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