Last Stand
It's time for everyone's favorite show, Post-Armageddon Story Time, only sans Shelly Duval... In today's installment, we feature Josh Barker, who will play Jake, a prodigal son of sorts hiding out in a dark, dreary, Washington, DC, peopled with strage, sorta sadistic leader-types, making it not really that different from the real DC. Josh's father is an important space fleet person and wants to get his son, Jake (Josh) out of DC before it is vaporized from space (again, not a bad idea, no?). So, he sends one of his captive she-slaves off to retrieve him. They fall in love and it's really quite cute or something. But again, who cares...
Josh and his sweetie attempt to sneak into the bad guys base, run by a mean bald guy and his sadistic, female sidekick. They think that they know a secret way in and seem to be quite surprised when there are people with automatic weapons waiting for them. The next scene begins with Josh and his sweetie chained up. Josh has been relieved of his shirt and his arms are pulled up above his head. Then, the sadistic blond lady tells them how she doesn't really care what they know, she just wants to torture Jake (or Josh). Even his sweetie has to pretend to sell him out to get close to the bald guy so that she can complete her increasingly botched rescue. So, it's turn on the power, it's time to torture Josh! She has some Lethal Weapon surplus terminals that she sticks to Josh's torso, causing quite a bit of discomfort. Eventually (and too soon) Josh's sweetie stops the pain by agreeing to cooperate. Later on, we get glimpses of Josh tied up, in a tank top and also with some cuts that look like they might have been made by a whip.
The Story ...
The Capture ...
The Rating
Think positive... Josh is a young cutie. He shows off his body a couple of times. He's got a good screaming voice. He does some pretty good writhing when electricity is applied. He's got some damn fine eyes. There are a few pluses to this one.
The pluses ...
The minuses ...
But there are equally some minuses. First of all, this is a definite fast-forward to the "good" parts "film." Second, the scene, good though it is, is brief - only a few zaps to the boy. Finally, later on, Josh shows up and he looks like he's taken a flogging. Where was that? Why didn't we see that? Instead of showing the yucky bald guy and Josh's sweetie, why didn't we see Josh gettin' flogged? Pretty big minuses, no?
Overall rating: 12
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