Masters of the Universe
It's He-Man. And Dolph. And was I ever surprised when I was young to go see this movie and lo and behold, Dolph Ludgren is mostly naked and gets caught by Skelator and the fun ensues. He-Man and his friends end up on Earth because some dwarf has a magic piano that opens some kind of gateway and here they wreak havoc upon an unsuspecting, innocent Earth with their lasers and swords and flying discs...
He-Man et al get really out numbered by the forces of evil. In order to spare the lives of his friends, He-Man agrees to return in chains with Skeletor as his slave. Once back home, Skeletor parades He-Man in front of his assembled court to make him a trophy (an a nice one at that). Dolph has been further relieved of clothing, wearing an advanced form of a loin cloth. His writs have shackles and he is attached by means of cable to the floor.He-Man resists all of Skeletor's demands. He's struggles to rush forward and fight, but to no avail. But, Skeletor wants to humiltate He-Man and to have him kneel before him with the whole planet watching. He man will have none of that. So, to help him make up his mind, Skeletor decides to laser-whip him. Evilyn likes that, too. So, with his body cut up by several rather harsh lashes,He-Man manages to break out and wreak some havoc and toss Skeletor down a big hole.(All while still mostly naked, mind you...)
The Story ...
The Capture ...
The Rating
Dolph as He-Man. Brilliant concept. He-Man getting dragged about in chains and whipped. Better idea. It's like a childhood fantasy come alive. I always wanted to see He-Man get what was coming to him, and here, on screen, he does. Dolph looks A+ in this movie. He wears nada through most of it. His reactions are Dolph-esque, as usual. Love this one.
The pluses ...
The minuses ...
They could've done more than 3 lashes. That's my sole complaint.
Overall rating: 19
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