The story... Is that really necessary for a Hercules movie? Zeus' son... blah blah ... fighting bad special effects ... blah blah ... against all odds ... throwing big rocks around ... blah blah ... defeating entire armies single handedly ... enemy archers who can't seem to aim ... Over all, a fair addition to the sword and sandal genre.
Well, Herc is wandering about a castle looking for the damsel in distress that the righteous son of Zeus is supposed to rescue when all of a sudden, the floor gives way. OH NO! It's a trap. Herc falls down and must knock himself unconscious in the fall because the next time we see our steroided-up mythological hero, he's lying on the floor in irons. Just as he wakes up, an entourage led by Minos' (the bad guy)evil henchwoman stomps in. She tells Herc that Minos has given him to her as a gift and that she's really quite pleased. She suggests that he drink some of her magic, black lotus potion, to increase their pleasure. She offers it to him and he takes the cup.Then, when he finds out that they're going to off the captive princess he's to rescue, he gets ticked off and turns his herculean strenghth back on. He breaks his chains and throws some hapless guards about. End of Lou's fun with chains.
The Story ...
The Capture ...
The Rating
Well, what this one has going for it is Lou Ferrigno in nothing but a loin cloth for most of the movie, strutting about and flexing. He gets chained up (albeit briefly) and then goes on about his flexing and strutting. He is not bad to look at, a fairly handsome, if a bit too big bodybuilder.
The pluses ...
The minuses ...
All of this strutting and flexing gets a bit tired after a bit. Not even this brief flirtation with chains can help out. The movie is dubbed and gets a bit tiresome. And they just looked at Lou in chains, not an ounce of torture. They could've done any number of things to test Hercules' manhood, but they didn't even hit him. Alas, when the minus box is bigger than the plus box, it never bodes well for the "film" in question, does it?
Overall rating: 11
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