Hercules and the Amazon Women
For reasons that even the Olympian gods couldn't explain or have predicted, a syndicated TV show featuring Hercules sprung forth full grown in the 1990s. Ok, well, let's be honest, Keving Sorbo's body is the reason. In this movie/series pilot, Hercules is forced into action by a town where children are disappearing, being taken by purported mosters in the woods. Ole Herc, being prone to helping the otherwise helpless, grabs his friend and springs into action to help the town deal with their vaporizing children.
Well, upon reaching that unfortunate town, Herc et al head into the aforementioned forest to combat the aforementioned monsters and rescue the aforementioned children. Isn't plot wonderful? Anyway, they run into the mosters and get into a fight in which Herc's friend Iolaus is speared and dies by one of the monsters, which turn out to be women dressed in animal-like armor. Herc is so distraught that he gets captured by these Amazons. They tear his shirt off, yoke him, gag him and bind him to a sled and parade him into town. Everyone gawks at the hunk of man being shown off like some trophy. They bring Herc to see the Queen who interogates Herc and beats him up a bit He spends some time in a cage, but there endeth the good part of this entry.
The Story ...
The Capture ...
The Rating
It was nice to see Sword and Sandal bondage reappear on mainstream TV, however brief that appearance may have been. And let's be honest - Kevin Sorbo is a knockout as Hercules. He's not dubbed, he's not a horrible actor and the writing isn't bad. Like we care about any of that, but still, it does help. He does take a couple of good blows and the parading him about is nice as are the bindings. Some good things here, I think.
The pluses ...
The minuses ...
But despite all of these good things, this movie falls into that scenario that none of us like, the Queen takes a liking to Herc's altruism and body saves Herc from further torture. Too bad. The things she could've had done to him ... And while he's in the cage, she gives him his shirt back. Bad form.
Overall rating: 13
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