Kull the Conquerer
In order to make sure that the cash cow of the Hercules series was throrougly milked, Kevin Sorbo decided that this movie needed made. Kevin plays Kull, who at the beginning of the movie is a slave. Kull ends up in the army and kills the king. One would think that such an act would get you in deep trouble, but not in this strange land. Here, that MAKES you king. So, now Kull is king and he sets out to reform the kingdom by releasing his harem and letting people worship as they please and a bunch of other enlightened despotic kinds of things. That is until some of the DEAD kings fans resurrect an evil witch queen (Tia Carrere) who puts a spell on Kull and marries him. Then there's some fighting and some swords and a whole lot of Kev without much clothing.
Well, the evil witch poisons Kull on their wedding night and everyone thinks that he's dead. But, that happens way early in the movie, so you know he's not. So, where is he?He's chained up in the torture chamber where she plans to keep him alive and in pain for awhile after the virtous Kull refuses to help her bring hell to earth. But, alas, Kull escapes. He eventually gets on a boat with his love interest and thinks himself safe. But, the captain got a better offer. He's going to sell Kull back to the evil witch (now queen). But, in the meantime, he'll keep Kull tied up and rowing in the galley.Of course, he escapes that, too.
The Story ...
The Capture ...
The Rating
We know Kev is hot. He DOES spend about half of this movie shirtless. He DOES get chained up in the dundgeon. But, they don't bother torturing him while they have him in the torture chamber. He DOES end up as a galley slave, but they don't flog him or make him, oh, I don't know, row? What's there is a good start.
The pluses ...
The minuses ...
But, the best of intentions often lead to naught. This is one of those cases. There seemed to be a bunch of fun toys in the torture chamber that they never use on Kull. He has scars on his back that indicate that he's been flogged. Just a few scenes would've meant a lot of redemption for this otherwise mediocre entry. Alas, what could've been ...
Overall rating: 11
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