Starship Troopers
Earth is at war with giant bugs from outer space. The best of the planet are needed to make a sacrifice for our species' survival. So, Casper van Dien plays John Rico, an Argentine (cause he looks so Latin American) who has enlisted to do his duty to gain citizenship and win the love of a girl. Why they did this to what was a pretty good book, I don't know. But, every cloud has a silver lining...
Well, he really doesn't get caught so much as punished. Let's not nit-pick. He gets in trouble for being responsible for another recruit's death during a live fire war game (why they need live fire war games in whatever century this takes place in is something else that should best be left unexplained). So, they decide instead of kicking him out, they'll try "administrative punsihment" which is a euphemism for flogging (why a culture that still practices live fire exercises that ridiculous needs a euphemism for that is yet another "huh?" that should just be left). So, the next time we see Rico, he's been relieved of his shirt and is lead toward a big metal trapezoidal looking thing. The sargent slips some vinyl restraints on his wrists, preses a button and Casper has to be on the tips of his toes to stand. They announce his "administrative punishment, 10 lashes" and a soldier rolls out a big whip and sends the lashes at Rico's exposed back.
The Story ...
The Capture ...
The Rating
Casper is shirtless and though a bit on the lanky side, not too bad looking. A big one is Casper's reaction to the flogging.The first one makes him fall limp into his restraints. Then, he spits out the bit which they had given him to bite on. The big one here is the All-American looking Argentine taking the lashes.You get to see him in the buff in the shower before and really have no idea that this scene is coming (unless you read a Website to spoil the fun) and the surprise is nice.
The pluses ...
The minuses ...
Well, he's sentanced to 10 lashes, but Paul Verhooven in his infinite ineptitude only shows half of them before fading into a dumb space scene with Denise Richards to be fair with the eye candy. It's short. That's my main complaint. The bugs only take prisoners to suck their brains and since someone already beat them to Rico, there's not much chance of further military fun. Also, this is a glimmer in a BAD movie that could've been so different.
Overall rating: 14
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