The Mummy
Some dumb-ass archaeologists revive an evil Mummy (more creative, subtle titles)
who threatens civilization as we know it
and it's up to Brendan Fraser et al to save the world
and fall in love and blah blah blah. The Mummy
was condemned for messing with Pharoh's wife (well, one of them anyway)
and vows revenge by turning everyone into zombies
(this is what Hollywood wants to do to is viewers with movies of this quality).
Not to worry, though, Brendan saves more than civilization...
Well, Brendan is already in prison when we first meet him. He is in irons awaiting the gallows.He tries to buy his way out but (thankfully) doesn't succeed. Then next scene that Brendan appears in, he is dragged to the scaffold. A noose is placed around his neck and the shady official gives permission to drop him. The trapdoor opens and Brendan falls. But, as the shady official points out, his neck isn't broken by the fall so he'll just suffocate. Luckily for Brendan, the wanna-be archaeologist (and future love interest) saves the day by bribing the official and Brendan is cut down.
The Story ...
The Capture ...
The Rating
It's Brendan Frasier. Brendan looks even better sweaty, in irons, behind bars or with a noose around his neck. He looks every bit the criminal in prison and on the scaffold (nappy hair, dirty, tattered clothes). He gets tossed around quite a bit by the guards of the prison and does do some begging. He gives some good reactions to hanging.
The pluses ...
The minuses ...
Well, there are the tattered clothes. He's in Egypt and it's hot. Why doesn't he take his shirt off? There aren't any sleeves and Brendan has great arms, but ditching his shirt would've helped. A lot. The whole situation is very toungue in cheek. Brendan's attitude towards his impending execution seems to be one of utter non-chanance. How 'bout some fear, Brendan? The warden/shady official is just too comical. He should've been either officious or tyrannical, not impish. It leaves the overall scene with a very comic book-ish atmosphere (which is probably what they were going for).
Overall rating: 9
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