Parents of Visually Impaired Children
Most people in the UK choose to send their children to school, but contary to popular belief, it is legal and appropriate to educate your children at home.  You do not need to be a teacher of have any qualifications.  Anyone can choose to home educate and thousands of people in the UK are home educating their children right now.  Some follow a fairly structured philosophy and others are completely autonomous. there is no right way to educate your child. The method of learning you choose, or adopt is completely up to you.

You do not need to know everything or be an expert in any subject to educate your children at home.  It is more important to learn HOW to learn and find information, than to teach, and we live in an information rich society where children and parents can easily gain up to date information.  Often, parents and children learn alongside each other.

All parents are legally responsible for ensuring their children are suitably educated, but you do not have to delegate the education to an LEA or school.  It is important to understand your legal rights and responsibilities and you can gain further information from organisations such as

LEA's do not have a duty to monitor the education or assess the child's progress (contary to
their popular belief), you also do not need to accept home visits or present your child or their 'work' to the LEA.  However, you should respond to any enquiries the LEA make.  It is a good idea to be in touch with other home educators to help you decide how to do this and to understand you rights as LEA's often do not understand the law regarding home education.  If your child has never been to school, you do not need to inform the LEA, but if your child is at school, you must de-register them and the school will inform the LEA.  If your child is at a special school, then you do require permission, but it would be unreasonable and discriminatory for the LEA to refuse.
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